
Debate Info

Uhhh, maybe.... Nope! It's all been done
Debate Score:16
Total Votes:16
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 Uhhh, maybe.... (10)
 Nope! It's all been done (2)

Debate Creator

Hellno(17724) pic

Can Anything Be Truly Original Any More?

And Joe... Don't say: "Bitch please..., I'm fabulous"


Uhhh, maybe....

Side Score: 13

Nope! It's all been done

Side Score: 3
3 points

Bitch, please... I'm fabulous ;)

Side: Uhhh, maybe....
2 points

Ommm! Okay! I've asked this one like 20 times! I NEVER get an answer!

So I guess you got nothing new to say?

Side: Uhhh, maybe....
Facadeon(508) Banned
1 point

Yes, this is original!


Side: Uhhh, maybe....
Emperor(1340) Disputed
1 point

Yes, but the concept of "Random keyboard smashing" already exists.

That's why two paintings might look different, but the concept of them is already there.

Side: Nope! It's all been done
Facadeon(508) Disputed Banned
1 point

You disputed me.

(I take disputes personally.)

Side: Uhhh, maybe....
Facadeon(508) Disputed Banned
1 point


Side: Uhhh, maybe....
Facadeon(508) Disputed Banned
1 point


Side: Uhhh, maybe....
Facadeon(508) Disputed Banned
1 point


Side: Uhhh, maybe....
Facadeon(508) Disputed Banned
1 point


Side: Uhhh, maybe....
1 point

I am writing a book about a pink giraffe who had fallen in love with his brother Panda, whom also was pink.

Side: Uhhh, maybe....

Somebody that actually worked, talk about original .

Side: Uhhh, maybe....
2 points

Nope, Simpsons did it.

Side: Nope! It's all been done