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Of course Wait..., What? No!
Debate Score:22
Total Votes:25
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 Of course (12)
 Wait..., What? No! (4)

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joecavalry(40130) pic

Can we put a price on human life

When someone dies due to an accident caused by negligence, the family members of the deceased do not say, "Oh, it was an accident.  Let's move on." nor do they say, "It was negligence, he must do time in jail."  Instead they say, "Sue for all the money you can get!" cause that will make it better.... apparently.

Of course

Side Score: 15

Wait..., What? No!

Side Score: 7
2 points

"The value of the marginal cost of death prevention in a certain class of circumstances."

EPA says $6.9 million.

Side: Of course

If genocide is being committed somewhere on the planet, do we say, "Send the forces in to protect the innocent." or do we say, "It cost too much to send in the forces." and have you noticed how long it takes to send in the forces if they are ever sent? Usually by that time it's almost too late. So yes, human life does come with a price tag and it's not as much as you would think. ;)

Side: Of course
1 point

The human body is made up of chemicals, those chemicals have a price ($25.00 USD iron, carbon all that fun stuff). Of course also tying in organ donations you get the human body worth about 10 mil (getting all the antibodies, the eggs or sperm, heart, liver, lungs, genes, ect.).

In my personal view the human life is only worth as much as the body. So 10 mil.

Side: Of course

People do it all the time. We hire hit-men to kill others. People go to court and get money when somebody they know gets killed by police. It happens all the time. Fighting a war is putting a price on life.

Side: Of course
1 point

We can put a price on anything. We can even put a price on God. Problem is getting the price right.

Side: Of course
1 point

Everything is worth what people will pay for it. We're the ones who determine what everything is worth.

Since we determine whether or not human life is valuable, we also determine how valuable. Including monetary value.

Side: Of course
1 point

We put a price on human life every day in a number of African developing nations where people are sold into slavery, not to mention the human trafficking that happens elsewhere.

Side: Of course

Life insurance is one of the ways that society puts a price on human life.

Side: Of course
2 points

Well I agree that a human life has a certain value to it that can be represented in money. However, I don't think it's humanly possible to put a price on a life. There's just so many factors, like dependents, purchases, value of the body, etc that would make it almost impossible to do this.

Side: Wait..., What? No!
1 point

How do you define life? A soul, a physical body? The ability to grow and change? EVERYONE is created equal. Just because someone may have not chosen the correct choice for their life, does not make it a loss nor a gain. What right do we have to say that certain people are only worth $20? What right do we have to place a monetary value on life period? We have no right to put prices on other’s lives and values. Only we can determine what we are worth.

Side: Wait..., What? No!

If you were made dead, either by accident or intent, your family would assign an arbitrary value and sue the pants of the person responsible for making you dead ;)

Side: Wait..., What? No!