
Debate Info

Oh Yeah No never
Debate Score:5
Total Votes:5
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 Oh Yeah (2)
 No never (3)

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alstars(739) pic

Can we say that the human tendency to create some things actually destroyed many things?

".....the ability of humans not only using their brains to think but to use it to create new things was appreciated by many...

the results of such things was more benificial to humans...

but the worse was yet to come..."

These wonderful lines written in an English book that dates back to 19th century are not only to read and enjoy, but to think and apply..

now as we see the present day environment and the progress of human race, we can say the fate of future humans...

Now, bearing all this in the mind, do you think that the sentences were correct? 


Oh Yeah

Side Score: 2

No never

Side Score: 3
1 point

yeah of course!

just think of all the mess created by each and every inventory!

Can anyone of you name just one invention that in no way causes at least a 0.1% of harm to mother nature?

Side: Oh Yeah
Warlin(1213) Disputed
1 point

Sex Positions.

That's right. That's what I said. Sex Positions.

Side: no never
alstars(739) Disputed
1 point

Prince meant to ask you about scientific inventions and not this fowl.

Please be careful enough to not include such words in My Dabates, please!

and anyway, that lead to increase in surplus population who cut trees and kill animals!

Side: Oh Yeah
1 point

i don't think so.

It is for the comfortability fo the humans that these things have been created.

If humans had known that such harm would be caused, then why would they do these things.

i don' think it is in the right way.

I cay say, to get many things, we got some destroyed and not the other way round.

Side: no never