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Ignoramis(381) pic

Can you really win against suicide bombers and mass shooters?

In turn for their life, they take several. The media may demonize them, however, at the end of the day, they won, didn't they? Their vengeance left a mark on several families and made them ask themselves why. Those families will definitely never forget the attacker, and their message will be remembered by the friends and family of that attacker ... correct? Take Seung-Hui Cho for example. I have listened to his video again and again, continuously asking why ... then I read up on his history, things his family said and I believe he had reasons for being angry.

He didn't mention them in the video, however, I believe that society made him. He was forced to see a psychologist prior to it.
I believe his psychologist may have had something to do with him snapping. People at his school wouldn't treat him very nicely if he was accused of stalking (especially, if that wasn't his intention). Especially, if they were vocal to teachers and other students about their delusions. I wonder if he killed the girls that accused him. In a situation like that, you are clearly going to go over the edge, most people would (although, I'm not sure they'd resort to murder, if they didn't have access to guns).

Look at who he attacked ... the victims are playing pure victims, however, what if they were the people joining in and teasing him? I remember his name, but do not remember any of the dead's name.

Everyone is assuming that these killings come out of nowhere ... however, what if there is a clear reason behind many of them?
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