
Debate Info

Nigger Cracker
Debate Score:13
Total Votes:16
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 Nigger (6)
 Cracker (6)

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DarthSidious(129) pic

Can you tell what is subjective and conceptual apart from what is based in objectivity?

99% of the average person's thought process is based around social constructs and entirely subjective internal contrivances.
we can observe and understand an objective reality which is physical, tangible and materialistic.
We are capable as homo sapiens of realizing that there may be a deeper layer of reality then what is physical and materialistic.
 no system of religious belief can address this in a meaningful way, instead religion takes advantage of this human perception of a deeper "layer" of reality ( which we call metaphysical or spiritual) and instead of providing answers it attaches subjective and conceptual notions to some divine entity in order to solidify them in the minds of people as if they are objective truths written into universal law.
What we see here is three levels of consciousness, the superstitious subjective projection consciousness, the materialistic consciousness, and the "other" consciousness which no human is truly capable of achieving but humans can be vaguely aware that it exists. Religious beliefs take advantage of that and trap you in the lowest level of consciousness in a little bubble of subjective group think through the ironic means of appealing to your sense of the "other" which we can't perceive.


Side Score: 7


Side Score: 6
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1 point

You have such a negative opinion of church, but there are things that can be done when groups of people get together united that cannot be done when people are alone. It is important to have something to relate to.

What does a good church do? Charity work. What do I mean by that? I mean loving people. When people get together and pool their resources, it makes it a lot easier and more effective to do charity work.

A church that doesn't do charity work needs to get on it as far as I'm concerned. I believe that scripture backs me up on this.

Besides that, religion does create an environment for discipleship. It allows people to stand together, sort through theological matters, and check it to the standard. In the case of most Christian churches, the bible is considered to be useful for doctrine, reproof, correction, and instruction in righteousness. There is a cloud of witnesses that testifies of the validity of the bible for this purpose. You can call that peer review! The bible is good for those who know how to use it, and a stumbling block for those who don't.

Why is theology important?

-ology is "a branch of knowledge" or a "science".

The is "used as a function word to indicate that a following noun or noun equivalent is definite or has been previously specified by context or by circumstance"

So what is "theology"? The ology?

Or we can take "-logy" as being "Doctrine: Theory: Science" and "Theo" as being "God".

So what is theology when it comes right down to it? God Science. God Theory. God Doctrine.

When you don't accept God as being "The Supreme and Ultimate Reality", you are not much different than someone who mocks what you consider to be science by intentionally being ignorant about it.

What is theology really about? It's about getting you to recognize God, to realize God, and then to be conscious of God. It's fundamentally about the relationship.

The truth is, what we call "objective" is usually only objective in a relative sense. That is, what we observe is still determined by what tools we are using to measure.

What is what it is? It is only God, The Supreme and Ultimate Reality. That is about as objective as you can get. However, we can only know God from the subjective. In fact, we can only know anything from the subjective. Those who believe otherwise are kidding themselves. There is nothing in all of creation that doesn't have contingent existence. That being the case, it is all relativistic.

The Supreme and Ultimate Reality, on the other hand, is not a contingent existence. It is what it is regardless. Our knowledge of God is contingent existence. Knowledge is contingent.

Being contingent is what makes something a created being. We express the uncreated through the medium of creation because there is no other way to do it. The representation we use of God is creation, but what God is a representation of is not creation.

Side: Cracker
1 point

You have such a negative opinion of church, but there are things that can be done when groups of people get together united that cannot be done when people are alone

I have a negative opinion of organized religion and superstitious beliefs, I don't have a problem with people uniting and working for a common charitable cause.

When people get together and pool their resources, it makes it a lot easier and more effective to do charity work.

Yes, and many churches do a good job of it, but their belief systems are simply not accurate, and there is no reason you can't do the same exact thing without the religious aspect.

, the bible is considered to be useful for doctrine, reproof, correction, and instruction in righteousness. There is a cloud of witnesses that testifies of the validity of the bible for this purpose. You can call that peer review!

The bible can be used in a historical context in many cases, but that's about it, there is no science to theology, it is no more a science than astrology.

So what is theology when it comes right down to it? God Science. God Theory. God Doctrine.

It's not science, the -ology part doesn't necessarily imply that it is scientific, rather that it is an academic pursuit, a field of study.

So what is "theology"? The ology?

Nice play on words, but I can do it too.

If you add an O to God you get good, if you turn "god" backwards you get dog, and if you remove the g and the d from good and replace them with p's you get poop THEREFORE God thinks dog poop is good on his taco salad.

intentionally being ignorant about it.

You are intentionally accepting something as absolute truth even though you can't provide a shred of evidence for it.

the truth is, what we call "objective" is usually only objective in a relative sense. That is, what we observe is still determined by what tools we are using to measure.

That's a load of horse bull. We may perceive reality through a subjective lens but we are part of a chain of cause and effect and can reach objective conclusions based on the fact that certain properties and outcomes are the result of pre-existing conditions and events which are repeatable and/or observable. For example, I know that drinking hydrofluorocyanocarbonucleicricinebola will kill me and drinking goji berries will put anti-oxidants inside of my butt hole. Without an understanding of this, humans would drink toilet bowl poop water thinking it's a chocolate shake because they wouldn't be able to tell apart the results of cause and effect relations, they wouldn't be able to understand that releasing diarrhea into the toilet produces poop water and blending chocolate ice cream with organic coconut milk makes a chocolate shake.

we can only know anything from the subjective. Those who believe otherwise are kidding themselves.

Oh really? then how do you know god is the supreme ultimate reality? how do you know drinking bleach is not the cure for cancer?

The Supreme and Ultimate Reality, on the other hand, is not a contingent existence.

Sure it is, something had to cause it's existence, things don't just pop out of nothing. Do you think a fully sentient metaphysical entity which can create anything it wants can just spontaneously appear out of no where?

Side: Nigger
TzarPepe(763) Disputed
0 points

God is The Supreme and Ultimate Reality because that is what I am talking about.

This is clearly the non-contingent reality.

Side: Cracker