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Other races admire them Only whites think this
Debate Score:9
Total Votes:9
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 Other races admire them (2)
 Only whites think this (6)

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Slavedevice(1389) pic

Caucasions Are Most Attractive

Caucasions on average (not all) are much more attractive than especially blacks.  Why did MJ try to look white?  So does his sister.  Asians are runner up.  Subsaharan negroes are dead last.

Other races admire them

Side Score: 2

Only whites think this

Side Score: 7

Pubic hair on their head. Big cave man nostrils. Tar black. U can't truthfully think negroes are attractive. I am for preserving the white race. Asians can be pretty also, and Asians are very self-disciplined

Side: Other races admire them
Grenache(6053) Disputed
2 points

For caucasians you've got thin anal hairs on your head, pointy beak noses, and pasty blemished skin. Add in poor fashion sense, lack of cool, can't dance, can't jump, inferior at sports, little wieners, and scared of anyone not white.

Side: Only whites think this
1 point

And a strange affliction of hanging out at Starbucks and LL Bean stores. ass.

My black friend always jokes to me I have the white boy disease of "NoAssitol."

Good post!

And this is probably the time for me to tell you guys that Robyn, my fiancé, is of mixed race.

Black father, causaicson mother, with a lot of Italian blood.

And Robyn is gorgeous by anybody's standards.

So much so I am constantly told my my friends, only half jokingly....."She's too good for you, bro."


Side: Only whites think this

Lol. Great take on it. I was hoping to just get a ruckas, but it turned out quiet mature.

Side: Only whites think this
1 point


1) Birthrates do not reflect that, neither globally nor even locally in the US. The non-white populations are far more prolific at getting it on.

2) Examples of non-whites trying to look like whites are more than off-set by examples of whites seeking suntans.

3) Caucasians own and control most of the media and entertainment industry which is why caucasians are disproportionately portrayed.

4) For any ethnic or racial group there is a subsection of very attractive, a much larger selection of average, and a sizable section of hideous. That's true for caucasians, too. There are some astonishingly unattractive caucasians out there.

Side: Only whites think this
chairs(67) Disputed
1 point

collection rejection

Side: Other races admire them
Grenache(6053) Disputed
1 point

Me, nah, I'm just not a racist .............................................................

Side: Only whites think this
Slavedevice(1389) Clarified
1 point

What is collection rejection? Are Jews considered Caucasian ?

Side: Other races admire them
1 point

Beauty of course is very subjective.

What you or I think of gorgeous can...and often is!..considered very unattractive by others.

Especially peoples of other races and ethnicities.

The whole idea of different races is a myth, of course. As all of us Biologists and anthropology guys learn back in undergrad school. But I'm not gonna get into that now.

For the sake of discussion well say there ARE different races. Race is a concise and convenient lable, but at the end of the day is technically inaccurate. homo sapiens evolved to have an inherent attraction to peoples like ourselves. Those among our tribe.

Just as we also evolved to harbor an immediate distrust for those different from us.

This made sense back in our hunter gatherer days, like if you go back to, say, 50,000 years go when we left Central Africa.

Getting to close to another tribe, or mistaking them for friendly when they were indeed hostile, could prove fatal.

So after that happened, the homo sapiens who followed the Beware of Outsiders rule were the ones who survived. This genome was then passed on to progeny.

Like all favorable genetic traits.

Selective inheritance!

How evolution works! Very subjective.

You personal opinion carries little weight in determining what constitutes real beauty. If there even is such a thing.

I don't think there is . we only have our own personal preferences.

So your idea here is like assholes.

Everybody has one!

Later, racist.


Side: Only whites think this