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Debate Score:1331
Total Votes:1586
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Chemical warfare had the greatest impact and the longest effect on the world during WWI

The following are questions to consider when completing the debate.

How do you think that chemical warfare effect the outcome of World War I?

Do you agree that it had a greater impact on the conclusion of the war than weapons like the tank and the submarine?

Did chemical warfare paly a bigger role in the outcome of the war than countries having alliances?

Was the US involvement or the lack thereof a correlation to the use of chemical warfare?


Side Score: 841
Winning Side!


Side Score: 490
16 points

Chemical Warfare had the greatest impact because it lead to the development of Nuclear Warheads. Also the use of Mustard Gas during the war struck fear into the enemy because it became an enemy that no one could defend against.

Side: Yes
16 points

Chemical Warfare had the greatest impact because it used different chemicals and nuclear weapons to defeat the enemy.

Side: Yes
9 points

Chemical warfare had the greatest impact because using different chemicals and nuclear weapons was able to kill more at one time and it defeated the enemy faster.

Side: Yes
Centifolia(1319) Clarified
2 points

The reason why chemical weaponry is banned is because it has a long lasting effect to the environment and future generations (e.g Agent Orange and Antrax).

War itself is an idiotic decision but to drive the rest of the living world with the stupidity of man is going too far

Side: Yes
16 points

Chemical power is better because unlike most weapons gas can spread out and kill easier and chemicals can do more damage than man and machine can do.

Side: Yes
15 points

Chemical warfare had the greatest effect on WWI because it slowed down the battle because soldiers could not pass or they would die. It killed whoever inhaled it and it made trench warfare possible.

Side: Yes
15 points

Yes because, all the chemicals in the gasses affected some people soon and others had problems for longer periods of time. They used the gasses because, they didn't exactly know all the effects.

Side: Yes
14 points

The use toxic gas against the Japanese. Mustard gas is a bad toxic. The use the atomic Bomb against the Japanese.

Side: Yes
14 points

Chemicals are a whole lot better because chemicals can get in tight places like the bunker were bullets can't

Side: Yes
Centifolia(1319) Disputed
1 point

In an open field, it can backfire if the wind blew against your direction

Side: No
13 points

chemical warfare had the greatest impact because it did way more damage than regular weapons and had a slow painful death when it hit

Side: Yes
14 points

I also agree with my classmates because Chemical weapons are a faster defense and to save ammo. The best thing about chemical warfare weapons they were peaceful. "Silent but Deadly"

Side: Yes
2 points

Plus chemical weapons had a wider range and you didn't run the risk of missing your target.

Side: Yes
13 points

I say yes I think that chemical warfare has had the greatest impact because it used nuclear weapons and chemicals.

Side: Yes
13 points

Chemical warfare had the greatest impact because it not only made it easier for the opponents to attack but it also involved less people.

Side: Yes
13 points

Toxic are better then bombs cause bombs u have to set it and put it in the right spot.

Side: Yes
13 points

The first known use of chemical agents during WWI was in 1914 when the French deployed tear gas to attempt to disable German troops

Side: Yes
13 points

I think that chemical warfare had the greatest, longest impact and effect on WWI because it spread everywhere quickly. I also think that chemical warfare was the main cause of people dying.It killed 5,000 allied troops. Mustard shells are so bad because it still injures people on old battlefields today.

Side: Yes
13 points

The use of chemicals was bad because it contaminated the air and deformed millions of people and their families died so that family tree ended. It also destroyed the environment and will kill anyone who comes close. Because it never goes away.

Side: Yes
13 points

I support that Chemical warfare had the greatest impact & the longest effect on the world during WWI. Chemical warfare gives us the advantage of covering a wider range. Even though there are injuries to the people in charge of the Chemicals, it is very effective & an intelligent war strategy.

Side: Yes
13 points

Chemical warfare has a great effect on the WWI because it help kill some of the enemies. It also makes some of them can become blind and not able to see so the opposite team can come and do what ever they want to them.

Side: Yes
13 points

Chemical Warfare is not such a bad idea. For you can not see or taste the chemicals. Also if we were to drop an atomic or hydrogen bomb on any one city or country, it would wipe out the advisory way faster than to send in a troop of soldiers.

Side: Yes
13 points

I think that chemical warfare had the greatest impact on WWI because without the nuclear weapons, there wouldn't be as much mass destruction as there was. Without the poisonous gases we wouldn't have had as numerous explosion and kills with just guns or explosives.

Side: Yes
12 points

I think Yes because it affected a lot of people and a lot of places.

Side: Yes
12 points

Gun and bullets are not always powerful and it dont rid of enemy's it get rid of the people trying to kill the enemy's.

Side: Yes
12 points

Chemical warfare was used against Japan and other rivals. The use of these toxic gases limited the days of war and saved many lives.

Side: Yes
12 points

Just now a chemical attack killed 25 people instead of me being more placid it's time to get serious. chemical warfare was noxious and some was very kindle. Lethal injection killed strong criminals that could not have been contained.

Side: Yes
12 points

I think that chemical warfare had a great effect on WWI because they needed a new way to defeat their enemies and that's where Chemical warfare came in! Using Chemical warfare we were able reduce the amount of tanks & gear. The stature of Chemical warfare makes it easier to transport!

Side: Yes
12 points

chemical warfare had the greatest impact and the longest effect on the world during WWI because it helped in many ways.

Side: Yes
12 points

Chemical agents are grouped into categories based on their physiological effects. Lachrymators are primarily designed to affect the eyes, but also cause respiratory problems when soldiers are exposed to a large quantity of the chemical. Asphyxiators cause fluid to enter the lungs and prevent oxygen from reaching the blood. Toxic gases pass through the lungs and into the blood and prevent the circulation and release of oxygen in the body. Sternutators caused respiratory irritation, sneezing, nausea, and vomiting. Blister agents initially cause pain in the eyes, throats, and lungs, but later cause blisters on exposed skin.So cheicals helped them alot and effected it alot.

Side: Yes
11 points

Back in the day tanks was slow and u needed most gas to use the Motorcycle.

Side: Yes
11 points

Chemicals weapons in World War I were primarily used to demoralize, injure and kill entrenched defenders against who the indiscriminate and generally slow-moving or static nature of gas clouds would be most effective.

Side: Yes
11 points

Chemical warfare spread quickly which caused it to have the greatest impact on WWI. A lot of people were also affected.

Side: Yes
11 points

Chemical Warfare is a much quicker process. It allows you to kill the opposing armies without even really putting yourself in harms way. Also there would be a lot more money saved, if we did not have to build heavy machinery.

Side: Yes
11 points

yes because it killed so many people and so many that dint need to be killed because they were not bad guys

Side: Yes
10 points

Man power is not always good cause they think they are in charge of everything.

Side: Yes
10 points

Yes , because it lead to the development of Nuclear warheads & it also involved less people..

Side: Yes
10 points


Side: Yes
10 points

Chemical warfare had the greatest impact because using different chemicals and nuclear weapons was able to kill more at one time and it defeated the enemy faster.

Side: Yes
9 points

Yes because unclear weapons can kill more than 5 people in less than a second.

Side: Yes
8 points

Yes because a nuclear bomb can kill faster than 4 people with guns. okay.

Side: Yes
8 points

i think that chemical warfare did have a great impact on the WW1 if it wasn't for chemical warfare the war would have lasted longer.

Side: Yes
8 points

Yes because, we are still paying for it today. With all the problems we have with our environment. Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes!!!!!!!!!!!

Side: Yes
8 points

A lethal agent is designed to injure or incapacitate the enemy, or deny unhindered use of a particular area of terrain. Defoliants are used to quickly kill vegetation and deny its use for cover and concealment. It can also be used against agriculture and livestock to promote hunger and starvation. With proper protective equipment, training, and decontamination measures, the primary effects of chemical weapons can be overcome. Many nations possess vast stockpiles of weaponized agents in preparation for wartime use. The threat and the perceived threat have become strategic tools in planning both measures, and counter–measures.

Side: Yes
7 points

This is Correct Because We Are Today Still Paying For It . With Global Warning and The Hole In the Ozone Layer .. So My Answer Is Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Side: Yes
7 points

Chemical Warfare is not such a bad idea. For you can not see or taste the chemicals. Also if we were to drop an atomic or hydrogen bomb on any one city or country, it would wipe out the advisory way faster than to send in a troop of soldiers.

Side: Yes
6 points

yes because it killed a lot of people that did not need to die. But it also killed a lot or all of the bad people that needed to die.

Side: Yes
6 points

The toxics was used against the Japanese. The different gases got into the spaces the bullets and the places that were dangerous to get into.

Side: Yes
5 points

Chemical warfare effected WW1 because the chemicals that were being released from the planes were leading to blindness and paralysis. Some of the chemicals were hazardous and soon they hit the soldiers they inhaled the dangerous chemicals they immediately suffered from poison and instantly died. Which led to fewer soldiers in World War I !

Side: Yes
5 points

Yes because a nuclear bomb can kill faster than 4 people with guns. okay. yes, yes, yes.yes, yes, yes.yes, yes, yes.yes, yes, yes.yes, yes, yes.yes, yes, yes.yes, yes, yes.yes, yes, yes.yes, yes, yes.yes, yes, yes.yes, yes, yes.yes, yes, yes.yes, yes, yes.yes, yes, yes.yes, yes, yes.yes, yes, yes.yes, yes, yes.yes, yes, yes.yes, yes, yes.yes, yes, yes.yes, yes, yes.yes, yes, yes.yes, yes, yes.yes, yes, yes.yes, yes, yes.yes, yes, yes.yes, yes, yes.yes, yes, yes.yes, yes, yes.yes, yes, yes.yes, yes, yes.yes, yes, yes.

Side: Yes
5 points

If we use the chemicals it will decrease the cost of bullets and weapons. But, if we use weapons and bullets the budget money for weapons, bullets, and stuff like that then we want be able to use the money to fix the broken stuff. Also if we use the chemicals it will help us kill more people than 1 at a time. Using bullets and weapons it we only allow us to use 1 bullet or shot for 1 person and you don't want to waste the limited amount of ammo you have, than if you have chemicals then you can kill as many people you can with one bomb or something like that. :)

Side: Yes
5 points


Side: Yes
4 points

1 phrase up vote much?

Side: Yes
4 points

Let's see how many up votes these get.

Side: Yes
4 points

Chemical weapons kill much faster than guns and other weapons because you have a wider range with chemicals and you don't run as much of a risk of missing your target with chemicals.

Side: Yes
4 points

yes i would say it did because it hurt alot and killed alot of people. it probly would of lasted alot longer if they didint use chemical warfare.

Side: Yes
4 points

If you are hit by a chemical, you are killed instantly. But, if you are shot with a gun or stabbed with a knife, then you will die over a few minutes. Most people would stay and wait for the person to die to make sure they die... but when you will use the chemicals you will be able to leave right when the chemicals hits the person and get to other bad people.

Side: Yes
3 points

Using chemicals wil allow us to keep our troops safe and out of danger. But, if we use

weapons instead that is making a conflict come up between troops lives & and the generals life.. hahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

Side: Yes
1 point

Because, when bad people go out in jail, that people can do bad thing one more time. So I agree we have to do a capital punishment.

Side: Yes
12 points

They made gas masks to protect themselves from the mustard gas

Side: No
EmilyJessica(10) Disputed
11 points

But how is that going to protect you from explosive things?

Side: Yes
AvahJane(14) Disputed
5 points

Not many people had those masks. Because at the beginning, they didn't know the chemicals were coming.

Side: Yes
11 points

the tanks made war more technical the motorcycle could carry messages faster men had better guns

Side: No
jaqtimcal(13) Disputed
15 points

nope the tanks were slow and the motorcycles didn't have good protection

Side: Yes
jaqtimcal(13) Clarified
11 points

nope the tanks were slow and the motorcycles didn't have good protection

Side: Yes
ashleykarmen(13) Disputed
6 points

The chemicals could kill men faster, it doesn't matter about how fast the messages could be carried. It didn't matter how technical it was.

Side: Yes
EmilyJessica(10) Disputed
3 points

Tanks may have been more technical & slow but they had a whole lot more protection than motorcycles!

Also motorcycles didn't exist then.

Side: Yes
Katelyn_Kate(2) Disputed
1 point

What do motorcycles and carrying messages have to do with chemical warfare?

Side: Yes
11 points

Guns & bullets are powerful that helps get rid of enemy's faster

Side: No
EmilyJessica(10) Disputed
8 points

But they also need intelligent people behind them that have good enough accuracy as to hit them in the brain or heart, or to make them bleed to death. Bombs hava a wider range so that they can kill more.

Side: Yes
11 points

We had better weapons and better Marksmen so the British couldn't overtake are ships

Side: No
11 points

but what happens when you run out of chemicals ? guns will kill people faster than chemicals it will take time for the chemicals to spread

Side: No
JP_DW(11) Disputed
11 points

But what happens when run ammunition and the opposing side has another round in their clip.

Side: Yes
Katelyn_Kate(2) Disputed
2 points

But chemical warfare covers a way wider range than guns so it may not matter.

Side: No
AvahJane(14) Disputed
2 points

As soon as the chemicals hit you, your dead. With guns you have to aim and so if they are really far away you can't kill them.

Side: Yes
0 points

Yea and chemicals don't miss and with a gun you have the chance of missing your target.

Side: Yes
11 points

The allied had the best generals,Such as eddie richenbacher, a great flyer

Side: No
ashleykarmen(13) Disputed
9 points

But it doesn't matter, we could kill him with chemicals better than anything. It doesn't matter how great of a flyer he was.

Side: Yes
cdavis3276(18) Disputed
8 points

This would be a great debatable topic, however it is not the one we are discussing

Side: Yes
AvahJane(14) Disputed
6 points

The chemical affected the people much faster, and in larger quantities. Once you breathe it in, you're done.

Side: Yes
EmilyJessica(10) Disputed
5 points

Generals don't always decide how the war turns out! It depends on how the soldiers were trained!

Side: Yes
Katelyn_Kate(2) Disputed
4 points

It doesn't matter if he's highest ranked or lowest, chemical warfare will still kill him.

Side: Yes
11 points

Using chemical weapons are dangerous, because when dropping a chemical bomb, rather than a small explosion, a massive explosion happens damaging area's that were not suppose to be bombed; possibly if it hit's a part of an other country or state.

Side: No
7 points

thats right Fong you on the point because if thay drought thay can kill your on people

Side: No
6 points

the gun can scope down the target and plus the tanks can blow up a lager area

Side: No
Ingram_06(4) Disputed
0 points

Using Chemical Weapons makes it easier to use things instead of having to use all those bullets to kill all the other people. Using the chemicals can wipe out lots more people with chemicals

Side: Yes
11 points

I say no because the men who operated the tanks the motorcycles and the guns where far better then the chemical weapons

Side: No
ashleykarmen(13) Disputed
3 points

No, chemicals were better weapons because of the greater impact they had by killing and harming people.

Side: Yes
10 points

The Chemical Warfare Backfired And Killed Millions Of People.

Side: No
10 points

Chemical Warfare can harm us. Why? because using just 1 chemical weapon can kill off as much as 70,000 people and 1 million injuries.

Then after the war he have to aid them paying over billions of money to aid the wounds.

Like WWII the first atomic bomb was tested, the people there never knew they would die later on; and those people who lived around that area had kids who came out Morphed.

Side: No
10 points

i say no because we could use alot more and all other kind of machinces to kill alot more people than the chemical when the people are in tanks then the chemicals won't affect them as much because the tanks are thick

Side: No
Katelyn_Kate(2) Disputed
1 point

Just because they are they're in the tanks doesn't mean the chemicals won't get to them.

Side: Yes
9 points

Better bombs can kill more peoples and faster and bombs are powerful

Side: No
9 points

The Americans were better soldiers than the german's the british and the russians

Side: No
JordanKelsey(18) Disputed
11 points

The soldiers are better but the british is killing mostly all our soldiers.

Side: Yes
1 point

What evidence are you using to support your claim? The Germans poineerd the elite Stormtruppen.

Side: No
8 points

American was better soldiers so it doesn't matter how many gas it will take

Side: No
JordanKelsey(18) Disputed
11 points

It does matter cause back in the day gas was really high and its was hard for them to bet the other soldiers.

Side: Yes
8 points

no because it because it backfired and killed half the people

Side: No
JordanKelsey(18) Disputed
10 points

So maybe they put the bomb wrong and it killed them for their own good.

Side: Yes
8 points

man is better because that is the traditional way and chemical warefare can kill you as well as others

Side: No
8 points

no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no

Side: No
cdavis3276(18) Disputed
10 points

This is not a good response, why would you even post it. You have now wasted time and energy posting this.

Side: Yes
Firnen Disputed
1 point

Majority of these posts are not goods posts. Besides it is no that time or energy consuming to press 3 buttons on a keyboard.

Side: No
8 points

no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no

Side: No
8 points

tanks motorcycles and guns will always be faster than mustard gas

Side: No
8 points

using tanks and bullets was more economical then spraying mustard gas !!!!!!!!!!!!

Side: No
jasminejada(7) Disputed
11 points

And bullets require men to function properly and is one men's life values greater or less than mustard gas.

Side: Yes
LiyaihTay(9) Disputed
11 points

No because , weapons require man ? I guess you could say..

Side: Yes
8 points

tanks motorcycles and guns will always be faster than mustard gas

Side: No
8 points

the chemical warfare caused damage to not only the other side but also to their side as well

Side: No
KelseyBailey(13) Disputed
3 points

Well too bad, it worked better than using other things. We could kill with chemicals better than anything so yeah

Side: Yes
8 points

mustard is good for hotdogs not on soldiers you should use ketchup maybe put some onions on it too !

Side: No
KelseyBailey(13) Disputed
3 points

That makes no sense. Mustard gas was a good thing to help us win no matter what the effects were

Side: Yes
8 points

guns are more accurate than the chemical fumes because you can

scope down the target plus the tanks and the planes and kill a lager area of people

Side: No
8 points

Your spray guns broke down frequently more so than the tanks, guns, and men. Which gave us an advantage.

Side: No
8 points

world war 1 involved 2 opposing alliances - the allies and the central powers

Side: No
EmilyJessica(10) Disputed
4 points

The argument you posted has nothing to do with what we are debating about! The correct "2 opposing alliances" were the Central Powers & the Triple Entante.

Side: Yes
8 points

chemical warfare was risky because if you dropped a gas bomb in enemy territory a good wind could blow it right back on to your front lines and killing your men.Also it takes time for a chemical bomb takes time to kill a person the enemy could still when the battle and die at a later time.also it harmed the environment greatly.The machine gun is what greatly changed the tide of the war because when the enemy came out of their fox holes the machine gun would mow them down also provided very good cover fire .also tanks provided great cover for mobile men.

Side: No
KelseyBailey(13) Disputed
4 points

Gasses killed better and faster than any guns and tanks. We did a way better job with gasses!

Side: Yes
8 points

world war 1 was a military conflict lasting from 1914 to 1918 which involved nearly all the biggest powers of the world.....Sooooo wats ya point wit the chemical war fair wepons?

Side: No
8 points

the countries of the allies included germany , austria-hungary , turkey and bulgaria

Side: No
8 points

Tank are bigger.They can blow up more area from far space.!!!!!!!

Side: No
7 points

Man power is stronger and the best so never no no no no no

Side: No
NajaMichaela(12) Disputed
13 points

If man power is so strong then why could they not fight off mustard gas (your comment does not make sense).

Side: Yes
7 points

Guns and bullets are powerful and can do anything to hurt anyone

Side: No
evanbrandon(13) Disputed
11 points

Bullets can't get in places like tight cracks and steal machinery were gas can.

Side: Yes
EmilyJessica(10) Disputed
3 points

What about bulletproof things? And what about when a person has horrible aim or they have a serious injury?

Side: Yes
7 points

toxic are not better that bomb because bombs can blow up from where it at 2 3 miles

Side: No
KelseyBailey(13) Disputed
2 points

Gasses killed faster and worked better than any gun so yeah whatever

Side: Yes
7 points

Like WWII the first atomic bomb was tested, the people there never knew they would die later on; and those people who lived around that area had kids who came out Morphed.

Side: No
7 points

If man power is so strong then why could they not fight off mustard gas (your comment does not make sense).

Side: No
7 points

There are several sources of military records which may be helpful for researching a family member who served in the First World War. See our page for advice on how to get started, which records are available for those who died, their Service Records and Medal Records and what information these records can offer

Side: No
7 points

the assasssination took place in in sarajevo, the capital of the austro-hungarian province of bosnia and herzegovina

Side: No
7 points

the chemical warfare is not better than the guns,tanks and men because the men could get a faster attack than the chemical warfare could because we could easily reload our weapons faster

Side: No
6 points

No war has ever been well with out man so that is man power

Side: No
6 points

the countries of the allies included russia france ,british empire italy united states,japan,rumania,serbia,belgium,greece,portugal and montenegro

Side: No
5 points

Chemical warfare was risky because it was dangerous if one leak every one in the plane died or factory.Also it was very expensive.

Side: No
5 points

Hey, I really don't know and also I don't care.....I don't do work ok um but yeah guns and bombs are better than those stupid chemicals......but bye.......and GOODLUCK ''no team'' C( :

Side: No
4 points

NOOOOO, guns and other weapons like bombs were better than mustard gas and other chemical objects. Because if you were around the mustard gas you could be killed yourself. Also you can kill a person instantly, if you use a chemical you have to yet a little while. And thats why I think guns in WWI was better than chemical weapons.

Side: No
4 points

No chemical warfare is not better than other things like bombs and guns guns is better than chemical warfare mustard gas is also better than chemical warfare

Side: No
3 points

Gun can shot bigger objects.plane and tank can blow more space than chemical weapons

Side: No
JalenTyler(10) Disputed
2 points

Chemical bombs kill everyone and everything because they are so boss in the household mailman to sniff and die from the smell and toxins because of 9/11.

Side: Yes
3 points

the chemical warfare made there side sick with the chemicals and toxins while our side used nontoxic chemicals so therefore your side lose more people than they could gain before attacking

Side: No
3 points

People who up vote this arguments are mindless idiots.

Side: No
2 points

And time to wait for the 15+ up votes.

Side: No
1 point

The teacher must be so proud of this class.

Side: No
3 points

LAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MUSTARDS

Side: No
3 points

Регулярные орудия являются лучшими. Я не знаю, что случилось с ним и с помощью горчичного газа, люди их дней.

Side: No
2 points

world war 1 was triggerend on 28 june 1914 by the assasssination of the archduke franz ferdinand of austria and his pregnant wife sophie

Side: No
2 points

LOL why they use mustard gas we sure don't use it now but yet we do use guns!!!!!

Side: No
2 points

Guns are the best source of killing people ,no one would use mustard gas.

Side: No
2 points

The effects of chemical warfare were largely negated by protective measures such as the gas mask. Furthermore, the tank had a much greater effect, as it was the weapon which broke the stalemate in the trenches.

However, the use of chemical weapons indicates just how desperate certain nations were to win.

Side: No
1 point


Side: No
1 point

1 phrase up vote much?

Side: No
1 point

Let's see how many up votes these get.

Side: No
1 point

Guns and bombs etc, was the best way to kill the rivals I think so because you could pin point who you wanted to kill in the war you did not have to get real close to them during the WW1

Side: No
1 point

how bout the war horse the mustard gas didnt get him the war horse spelled the end of the horse calveree

Side: No
1 point

I think mustard gas is not the best choice.Guns are the best,because they could kill your enemy quicker and has a faster effect.SO, NO!!! NO!!! NO!!!

Side: No
1 point

yyyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa the tanks were slow

Side: No
1 point

Они были сумасшедшими и немые за использование определенного типа горчицы просто убить некоторых людей. Они были слишком сумасшедшие для меня.

Side: No
1 point

I think guns are better than mustard gas because guns can kill people!!

Side: No