
Debate Info

Boo Chester Alan Arthur Boo hoo Polygamists
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Hadrian(483) pic

Chester Alan Arthur needs to produce his birth certificate.

Rumor has it that President Chester Alan Arthur was born in Canada. Plus, he did not release his grades from Union College (1848)! And just look what happened when we allowed him to be President. You all know what that was, right? He banned bigamists and polygamists from voting and holding office!

His opponents decried that action saying, "I'll give you my vote when you take it from my cold, dead hands...and hers, and hers, and hers..."

However, by electing Arthur, the American people obviously made a political judgment that they either did not believe the charge of Canadian birth, or did not care about it, setting the stage for the election of the great usurper, Insane Hussein Obama.

Boo Chester Alan Arthur

Side Score: 0

Boo hoo Polygamists

Side Score: 0
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