
Debate Info

But Mah MAGA Hat But Mein Frankfurter
Debate Score:5
Total Votes:5
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 But Mah MAGA Hat (3)
 But Mein Frankfurter (2)

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BurritoLunch(6566) pic

Come On BIDEN!!!!

Nazis up and down America are already preparing their cyanide pills and their handguns.

Bronto is sitting in a toilet, tears of anguish and frustration streaming down his evil cheeks.

Ah, politics.

But Mah MAGA Hat

Side Score: 3

But Mein Frankfurter

Side Score: 2

Look at this. The Reich has bounced back. Trump has just won another 60 seats. Oh, you silly idiots. What is wrong with you???

This is going to be neck and neck. Might as well go to bed.

Side: But Mah MAGA Hat

It truly wouldn't surprise me if Trump has fixed it, given he's been accusing the Democrats of that for several months.

Side: But Mah MAGA Hat

Oh dear God, the Fuhrer is going to win. You just need to look at the number of electoral seats in each state left, and who is ahead there. The states Trump is going to win have more seats.

This is a sad day for the free world. A sad day indeed.

Side: But Mah MAGA Hat

And the only candidate with any integrity has taken Wisconsin, putting him a mere 22 tantalising seats away from victory.

Will the Reich snatch it back at the last minute, or will truth and justice prevail?

Side: But Mein Frankfurter

I think you mean Kamala ;)

Side: But Mein Frankfurter