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 Controversial Debates: Should There Be Limits? Warnings? (6)

Debate Creator

ptosis(243) pic

Controversial Debates: Should There Be Limits? Warnings? has a topic that they refuse to engage in. For those who despise certain topics - once click on a debate that is too 'unthinkable' to debate about - should they just click somewhere else or be allowed to censor?

I would censor a stupid or immature debate becuase the poster is  wasting my time. but what about a shocking or illegal debate? There are plenty of issues that would be 'too much' for some and wouldn't even register for others. My beef is the 'rape debator' - it's OK to fantasize - but the poster thinks the assault is about sex when it is about violence. For others it could about debating in the nature of Jesus, Muslims and the French ban of head scarves.

What is your "don't go there" hot button? Should there be a warning on the title?

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4 points

Well, at this point the content from who you are referring is just getting old. It's the same old thing over and over and over with him (her?). You can put up a debate about pink unicorns and he'll find a way to bring rape into the discussion. But, I'm not interested in going round and round about all that any more.

As for debates that I stay away from? Religious... not always but most of the time. I'm agnostic but I'm not all up in your face about it and I respect people's religious views. Most of my friends are Christian and that's fine by me.

2 points

This is a debate site, "not a stroke each others buttocks" site, if you don't like a particular topic, do not debate in it, I would regard this as a simple solution to this problem. I find the more controversial the debate the more heated it becomes, this I would regard as a good thing, vociferous opinion can show the fibre of peoples' fabric and censorship is negative towards progress in discussion. Besides if there was a controversial debates option, this is where most people who's opinion is worth anything will be posting.

If censorship is what you like I'd advise using facebook.

2 points

The only topic I avoid is the one I know nothing about and have no opinion on.

Otherwise, I will go into any debate whatsoever. I like frustrating people, because I know I'm right about everything. Frustrating them means I'm making them think twice on the inside.

Why should I care how offensive the topic is? If I have a strong opinion, I'm going to state it. That's that.

2 points

If a topic is too controversial, then it needs to be debated. If half the country believes (for example) that abortion is completely wrong in every case but the other half believes it is the best form of birth control (polar opposite view points), then shouldn't the issue be talked about? That way it could lead to a compromise, or something?

And if a debate is too horrendous to be discussed, it probably doesn't need debating because I'm sure most people would already agree with one side or the other.

Side: NO WAY
2 points

Some debates should have a heading that says 18+ or warning not for children, but never the less it's a debate. This rape issue has been a problem for a while but there are always ways to make things a debate whether we don't want to answer them or not.

I try to answer every thing

Side: NO WAY
1 point

BTW, cool layout of this debate.

Side: NO WAY