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Debate Score:4
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 Hurtful (3)

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DRM: Good or Bad?

Pirate Repellent or Hurtful to Customers

DRM, or Digital Rights Management, is mainly used in music. One example of this is music purchased on the iTunes Store cannot be used in any program other than iTunes nor any device besides the iPod. Does this prevent pirates from stealing the music or does it only prevent honest people from switching to a different mp3 player?


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1 point

Pirates can easily circumvent DRM. Honest customers, however, lack the tools to remove DRM, as it is illegal, which prevents them from using the music they actually paid for where they want to use it.

Side: Easy to bypass
2 points

Hey yeah this sound familiar: States with gun laws have defenseless citizens while criminals are armed to the teeth.

Side: Easy to bypass
1 point

This is an expensive policy, in terms of benefits that supposedly tries to prevent media piracy, but instead it mainly harms the people who just want to pay for a song once and then own that copy of the song. Just like any other copy-protection scheme it can be broken and already has, it is not very difficult to get hold of programs that can remove, more likely bypass DRM or other copy-protection forms.

If I buy a song, i want to be able to listen to it on any media playing device i have. I want to be able to burn it on to a cd and listen to it in the car or put it on any of my mp3 players, but DRM doesn't let you do that, you need to pay extra to get songs without DRM or go down a shadier path. Most of us might share a few songs with a friend or two, but we don't sell them, and from what i remember sharing without gaining or attempting to gain profit is not illegal. I don't use services like itunes because of DRM, and i'm probably not alone

Side: Easy to bypass