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Debate Score:39
Total Votes:46
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spiritualman(289) pic

Dana and I should pray together

Yeshua said that whenever two or more are gathered in his name, there he is in their midst. Since Both Dana and I are Christians, we should pray together on CreateDebate, and get a whole bunch of stuff cleared up by talking to LORD GOD ALMIGHTY directly. We could use this platform to glorify God. I asked in prayer on my own (and I have been fasting) if the LORD would bless us for sharing his word openly as revealed through prayer, and he responded with an unequivocal YES! I am so exited. The HOLY SPIRIT is stirring and I invite all of those who pray to God to join us in the name of Yeshua.


Side Score: 21


Side Score: 18

The LORD has told me that there is a very important truth that he intends to reveal once Dana and I approach him through prayer in the name of Yeshua. So of course, I think we should.

Side: Yes
AveSatanas(4443) Disputed
2 points

You're a fucking wingnut. Your critical thinking skills have sunk to levels below that of an amoeba, and not a particularly bright one.

Side: No
Sitara(11075) Disputed
1 point

This is getting old. .

Side: No

Who is compelling you to participate in "This". Please tell me it is either Yeshua or an angel of the LORD.

Side: Yes

I like pretending with magic words too! Abracadabra! Alakazam! See i can do it too :D

Side: No
1 point

Magic is just things done by means not yet revealed, to some people. .

Side: Yes
Sitara(11075) Clarified
1 point

What did I tell you about accepting the Flying Spagetti Monster?! Pastafarianism is the way, yea. ;)

Side: Yes

Have Yeshua and I lost Dana to this abomination or is there yet hope for her eternal soul? God please answer.

Side: No
1 point

You need to stop. This is why I do not take you seriously. .

Side: No

If you didn't take me seriously, how did I get declared an enemy by you :)

Side: Yes
Sitara(11075) Disputed
1 point

Because you are a lying false prophet that plays games. .

Side: No