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Debate Score:140
Total Votes:146
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KingOfPopForever(6910) pic

Dana just banned me for putting Her in her place.

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When I since that someone is being fake and being something or someone that they are not I tell them. Be yourself guys this world already has way too many fake people in it.

1 point

Wait, who tha what? I've never seen your profile here.

Obviously you're not new with that 5 G's plus.

I knew more would check me out.

6 points

You can put me in my place any time. ;)

Alright but it will be a bumpy ride.

Sitara(11080) Clarified
1 point

Blushes. ;)

Update: She is still banning me for all her debates.

3 points

If you piss her off she will do that because she did that to me when I pissed her off a couple of weeks ago and its common to that she does that.

My advice is don't go into her debates anymore because if she is going to keep banning people then there is no point in going into her debates.

That is completely fine because if she wants to play hard ball I'm game!

AbbyNestor(1028) Disputed
1 point

Then tell your faith mate that she just cant be walking around like a high school principal and start banning people for no reason.

Sitara(11080) Disputed
2 points

I have the right to ban you for slandering me. You need to repent.

2 points

I have the right to pick you apart for being fake. Why should I repent when you are the one spreading false stories.

3 points

Welcome to the club.

It's not that bad but do you mind buying me some Grape Soda?

1 point

I'll buy you one!

buys a grape soda and hands it to you

1 point

You're going to want something stronger than a grape soda in this club.

2 points

You are lying. I banned you for calling me a Satanist. This is bullying and I do not have to tolerate this.

2 points

Lol wow see how fake you are you just said you were in a debate.

Sitara(11080) Disputed
2 points

Liar. I did no such thing. I said that I had no idea that thinking for myself made me a Satanist, I did not say that I was a Satanist. I fucking hate Satan. Yopu are lying about me and you have no right to do so. Slander is not a right.

2 points

You are exactly what is wrong with religion. Everyone who disagrees with you and is not perfect is satanic.

2 points

That first sentence is hilariously horrific. I don't have a problem with people disagreeing with me but the ones who are thinking that they are something that they are not.

Sitara(11080) Disputed
1 point

I will not be judged by someone who idolizes a fucking child molester. How very Christian of you.

Sitara(11080) Disputed
1 point

I am not lying. .

2 points

Yep, she does that. Bans when she has nothing good to say.

It's okay though time will move on.

2 points

LOL! This was fun to read... thanks! :P

No problem I am having fun with this "war".

1 point

I can't fight you anymore. You are too sexy. Blushes. ;)

2 points

I bet.

Well now you know.

Join the club. .

What club you have one to?

1 point

So you think I am goddess? You capitalized the pronoun relating to me. People do that when refering to their god. Maybe YOU want ME. ;0

1 point

I gets you didn't go to school well they taught you to capitalize names.

Sitara(11080) Disputed
1 point

You are supposed to capitalize the noun, but you only capitlize the pronoun in relation to a god. Just admit that you want me and dispense with the bullshit. ;)

1 point

Eh, don't worry about it she did that to me a while back. I was banned from her debates, I was blocked from her (still am) and she made me her enemy. We made amends eventually but yeah she'll do that :P

1 point

I'm confused. What exactly was the point of this 'debate'? This is a statement regarding only you, and frankly it's quite childish. If she banned you for an unfair reason then she isn't worth arguing with nor is she worth creating a page like this. If she banned you for a fair reason, then you need to rethink your ways. Whichever is true does not justify chucking this online tantrum or openly 'hating' on another individual. Besides, what is "her place"?

1 point

Before we come to off the wall conclusions we should read everything for background not part of it.

Aadeeba(4) Disputed
1 point

I actually did have a look. However, to remain diplomatic i presented my opinion on both scenarios and then on these types of threads in general. I don't see what the issue is here?

1 point

I am unbanning you. You are way hot. Just tell me what debates. ;)

What would this site be like without Dana? Now put that smile away, she isn't going anywhere.

Just wondering if we should start a fan club for Dana? lol

Sitara(11080) Clarified
2 points

i love you too, old man. ;)

It is related to Moses,Noah and Elijah.