
Debate Info

dance girls basketball
Debate Score:4
Total Votes:4
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 dance (3)
 girls basketball (1)

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Alicia(5) pic

Dance is better than girls basketball

Dance is better than girls basketball for many reasons. 

1.) You get a better workout

2.) It is more fun

3.) You have to use your mind more for memory

4.) You get to actually dress up like a girl for it instead of wearing boy clothes


Side Score: 3

girls basketball

Side Score: 1
1 point

As a male, I would much rather dance with a girl than play basketball with her. Not to say that a girl would want the same from me...

Side: dance
1 point

It is a good work out , plus it's amusing to watch the different moves people do that you know that you are unable to do them.;)

Side: dance

It is really up to the girl to decide. There will be plenty of girls, I'm sure, that will prefer Dance over basketball.

Side: dance
1 point

I am a dancer myself, however I will not say it is on a general scale better than girls basketball. Girls should be allowed to do both and should enjoy both depending on who they are, their personalities, and what they prefer.

I do prefer dance over basketball, but I know not everyone does. In fact there may even be guys who prefer dance over basketball as well, so it does kind of go both ways.

One of the reasons that dance is better should not be because they get to wear "girl" clothes, because dress code should not be a sufficient reason for something like this. There should also not be such a thing as "girl" clothes for dance or "guy" clothes for basketball and this increase the negative connotations that are tied to genders.

Side: girls basketball