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 Democrat Hank Johnson worries Guam could "Capsize" after Marine Buildup (5)

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DBCooper(2194) pic

Democrat Hank Johnson worries Guam could "Capsize" after Marine Buildup

Rep. Hank Johnson (D-Ga.) is raising some eyebrows with a comment he made about the U.S. territory of Guam during a House Armed Services Committee hearing. In a discussion regarding a planned military buildup on the Pacific island, Johnson expressed some concerns about the plans to Adm. Robert Willard, head of the U.S. Pacific fleet."My fear is that the whole island will become so overly populated that it will tip over and capsize," Johnson said. The Dummy Democrat stated this insanity on April 1,2010.

Have any Democrats let Hank know this is 2016 and Guam has not tipped over and capsized ? The fear mongering the Democrats push know no depths of stupidity ! 


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1 point

Hank has to be one of the most brilliant Democrats ever elected to office !

1 point

He was joking

You know, joking, like all the promises Trump has made to the religious right just to get them to vote for him.

DBCooper(2194) Disputed
1 point

Hank is a dummy but you can think he is a joke which you are right he is a joke.

DBCooper(2194) Disputed
1 point

You have just stated the Negro Democrat is a joke ! Why is it you are a Racist ?

Cuaroc(8829) Banned
1 point
