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 Democrats are turning on the Michigan Commie Governor (3)

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Chinaman(3570) pic

Democrats are turning on the Michigan Commie Governor

As backlash mounts against the state’s highly restrictive “stay-at-home” order.
The “draconian” order has sparked protests in which thousands of Michiganders descended on the state capitol on Wednesday to call for a more measured approach and to warn that “tyranny” is “worse than the virus.
Some of her fellow Democrats in the state are also voicing their frustration about how she’s responded to the pandemic.

Democratic lawmakers in Michigan have begun to openly criticize Democratic Governor Gretchen Whitmer.
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1 point

Put her in a WWII German army uniform, and she would make a very convincing female concentration camp guard.

1 point

Ummm, names please?? I don't know of any that are not, maybe, considering her for VP. Maybe a couple of Dino's, but, any woman with the guts to stand up against Trump has more guts than ANY "still standing" Trumplican. Bunch of REAL WIMPS! "OMG! Trumps gonna twitter me! OMG! ;-)

1 point

Democrats are turning on the Michigan Commie Governor

They voted her in, so time to pay the piper.