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 Did God Create The Universe ? (9)

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akhilarora(19) pic

Did God Create The Universe ?

what do u say big bang happend out of nothing or god caused it? as hawking said time and space was created with the big bang so there is no time for god to exist, but then how big bang happend without time? 

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I'll pledge my allegiance to science and the Big Bang, seeing as we do have evidence that supports the Big Bang theory, not a 2000 year old scripture which prohibits coveting possessions, but has no problem with a woman being stoned to death for being raped.

Even if the Big Bang turned out to be untrue, I don't see how a supposedly omnipotent God could have created the entire universe, seeing as he seems to be an incompetent brat that can't even design an eye properly.

1 point

I think God did create the universe because He was there before time began because He is eternal and can't die. We know for a fact that it says in scripture that in Genesis 1:1 it says God created the Heavens and earth. So when we see that it says God that means that He was there to form the earth and everything in it. Now in order for there to be a beginning there has to be a cause in order to make something. If there is no cause then the earth will seize to exist and therefore there will be no earth and if there is no earth then there is no God. But if there is a God then there is earth. The earth can't be made on its own something has to cause it in order to form and that cause is God.

garry77777(1775) Disputed
2 points

"He was there before time began because He is eternal and can't die."

This presupposes God exists, what your saying equates to "because God exists, God created the Big Bang", and "because God created the Big Bang, God exists", can you not understand the circular logic?

"it says God created the Heavens and earth"

Hey, I just wrote on a peice of paper "God did not create the Heavens and Earth", can I reference that?

"Now in order for there to be a beginning there has to be a cause in order to make something"

This isn't true, watch the video.

ChuckHades(3179) Disputed
1 point

We know for a fact that it says in scripture that in Genesis 1:1 it says God created the Heavens and earth.

Oh God, not the Bible. OK, this is the same book which says that God created plants before the sun. Do you really expect anyone to take a creation myth as scientific evidence?

So when we see that it says God that means that He was there to form the earth and everything in it.

No it doesn't, not in the slightest. By your logic, every single creation myth must be correct, which is impossible. By your logic, it is just as likely that God created the Earth as it is for the Flying Spaghetti Monster to have created Earth. Hell, I could just write down on a piece of paper that I created everything, then that must mean I do. You are trying to prove God's existence by saying he exists.

Now in order for there to be a beginning there has to be a cause in order to make something.

Nice use of the cosmological argument. But unfortunately, it is fruitless, because it always leads to infinite regression. The problem is that I can say "what caused God?", then "what caused that cause?", and so on ad infinitum. The same with the Big Bang theory. I believe that two colliding membranes caused the Big Bang. But then you can say "what caused the membranes?", then "what caused the cause?". You get the idea.

If there is no cause then the earth will seize to exist

No, if there's no cause, the Earth doesn't exist, full stop. It doesn't cease to exist, because it never existed.

and therefore there will be no earth and if there is no earth then there is no God.

Woah! Be careful what you're saying there! By admitting that without Earth, there is no God, is basically admitting that God is a completely fictional anthropomorphism. Because what you're saying equates to this: "without humanity, there is no God." After all, prokaryotes can't have come up with the idea of God! (I make the best bacteria jokes, don't I?)

The earth can't be made on its own


something has to cause it


in order to form

Oh my, you're so close! Yes, yes, yes! All I need now is a brief explanation of gravity and dust and-

and that cause is God.


Well, here's the scientific explanation. A massive old star went supernova, shooting out large amounts of gas and dust. Seeing as space is rather cold, this cloud of particles condensed, and gravity formed the Earth as we know it.

We don't need a God to have created the universe, that's what I think you need to consider. I don't care if you disagree with it, just please consider that the answer to everything does not have to be God/Krishna/Allah/Zeus/Odin/Flying Spaghetti Monster/Me.

akhilarora(19) Clarified
1 point

''if god caused the big bang then who caused god''

well, god didn't comes in time so there is no 'before' god, he began the beginning, so this question dont make any sence, it is like looking for 4th side of triangle which is not, god always exist

We don't know what happened before the Big Bang. All we know is that our universe has a historical beginning and will eventually have a violent end. Anything that happens before or after is not scientifically observable from any standpoint of data sets, at least at the moment.

But until physics can actually use observable information to possibly figure out what happened before the Big Bang, all theories are equally possible.

Personally, I don't care about the beginning of the beginning. I care much more about how the end will happen, and whether it can be stopped or not.

ChuckHades(3179) Disputed
1 point

I agree with the majority of what you said, but there's one little thing that bothers me.

all theories are equally possible.

I don't like that phrase. Here's something for you to ponder over. I think that I created the Big Bang! By your reasoning, my theory would have to be accepted as equally as, say, M-theory. Because there is no observable evidence.

But there are some things we can dismiss, as to speed up proceedings. So my theory about how I created the Big Bang would be dismissed because it defies every single thing we thought we knew. So I disagree with the premise that all theories must be equal.

chatturgha(1619) Disputed
1 point

I shouldn't have used the word 'theories', then. I should have said 'guesses'. All guesses are equal because the nature of the guess is that there is no observable evidence to prove or disprove it.

By your reasoning, my theory would have to be accepted as equally as, say, M-theory. Because there is no observable evidence.

Actually there is observable evidence to disprove the theory that you created by the Big Bang... simply that you are a certain chronological age and was born at a specific point in history, which observably leads to the conclusion that you are not older then the universe and therefore could not have been responsible for the Big Bang.

BUT, I do understand your point. My wording should have been different.

1 point

God isn't necessary for the creation of the universe because the universe was not 'created', it exists in and of itself and trying to abstract what is before is as meaningless as dividing by zero; you end up with the principle of explosion.

Rule 110, a mathematical algorithm, is Turing Complete. That means given enough time it can simulate the entire universe throughout all time. I can write down the rules on a small notecard, and the 'seed' (initial state) is a single number. I don't even have to write or say either of these things for it to be possible for me to write or say them. The simulation's results won't change depending when I choose to evaluate the system.

It simply exists because it can exist, because nothing within the universe can say otherwise.