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Debate Score:33
Total Votes:38
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iLoveVersace(1098) pic

Did God literally appear before Adam and Eve?

In Genesis after Adam and Eve ate the fruit did God appear before them literally? Or did he just take on some form like a cloud or something?


Side Score: 23


Side Score: 10

I was there. God appeared before them in the form of a homosexual Islamic black man.

Side: Yes
12characters(224) Clarified
0 points


Side: Yes
0 points

Isn't that what the Bible says? God, appeared before Adam.

Side: Yes

There is reason to believe God didn't appear as a "human" or truly "walked" through the garden at all. Rather like he took the form of wind or a cloud.

Side: Yes
0 points

One reason would be if you didn't want to follow what the Bible actually said. Maybe God didn't do anything the Bible said He did. That works for me to. Maybe He didn't actually speak to Abraham. Maybe He didn't actually destroy Sodom and Gomorrah. Maybe He didn't actually flood the entire world. That's cool too.

Side: Yes

'Literally' in fiction is like 'metaphorically' in science; it simply doesn't work.

Besides, God appeared in the mind of Adam according to the story, he has no physical form to appear before Adam with.

Side: No

What verse specifically stated that God only appeared in the mind of Adam? His physical presence was noted. Please prove your case here.

Side: No
1 point

God is no more than an imaginary guardian, it has no physical existence of any kind and will one day have all its scriptures put in the fiction section of any library.

God is not a thing, it is not a male, God is a fantasy and not a very creative one either.

Side: No

No there was a Adam and ever but they did not worship god. How could have god visited Homonids when they didn't worship God.

Side: No