
Debate Info

Yeah you got him! No he got you!
Debate Score:58
Total Votes:68
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 Yeah you got him! (17)
 No he got you! (10)

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atypican(4873) pic

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Did I out troll a troll here?

Hellno: Okay, I'll start:

2. The most idiotic/unitelligible statements
What is an unitelligible statement?

Me: A simple typo that you proved that you understood. You could have found something better than that....come on!

Hellno:It's a legitimate argument. If you're going to make a debate questioning the intelligence of someone then it's a little idiotic to make a mistake like that.

Me:If this is the best example of my idiocy to be presented, it's very sad. I could do better self-criticizing!

Hellno:I'm not interested in digging through your waterfall.

Me:So? Why should I care about what you are or aren't interested in?

Hellno:Are you as awkward in real life as you are on the internet?

Me:At times more so. Depends on what I am doing. Honestly now, what was your motivation for asking that question?

Hellno: What is your motivation for continuing this ignorant debate? Are you really trying to make yourself look smarter than Cartman?

Me: I'll answer that, but answer this weird question first. What kind of emotion does thinking about having gay sex with Cartman provoke for you? Disgust, excitement, or something else?

Hellno: Curiosity. Now answer my question.

Me: I had a feeling you were at least considering swinging that way by watching how desperately you're trying to defend him, but your right, let's try to stay on topic.



What is your motivation for continuing this ignorant debate?

To give Cartman a taste of his own medicine. Why do you like participating in ignorant debates?

Are you really trying to make yourself look smarter than Cartnan?

Not really. Just establish that I take more care not to say stupid things

BTW your answer was LAME, you should just come fully out of the closet, and tell Cartman your real feelings



Why do you like participating in ignorant debates?

Why not? It's fun to annoy people.

Just establish that I take more care not to say stupid things.

Who cares if people say stupid things? It's the internet. Besides many of the statements you posted were obviously jokes... but I guess you would have to have a sense of humor to know that.

BTW your answer was LAME

That's y

Yeah you got him!

Side Score: 29
Winning Side!

No he got you!

Side Score: 29
1 point

Watch he'll post here !

Side: Yeah you got him!
Hellno(17724) Disputed
2 points

LOL! You made this debate a hour ago... I posted 3 minutes and you reply with this? HA!

Side: No he got you!
atypican(4873) Disputed
2 points

You couldn't resist .

Side: Yeah you got him!
0 points

Anyone who actually takes the time to read the exchange will see what's what.

Side: Yeah you got him!
5 points

You "took the bait" which means "he got you"....because logic.

Side: No he got you!
ProLogos(2794) Disputed
3 points

No it doesn't. All it means, is that you're on the hook, the troll hasn't "gotten" you yet. The troll has to go through the process of reeling you in ,first....

Side: Yeah you got him!
ProLogos(2794) Disputed
1 point

That's only true if you wanna be a faggot and use fishing metaphor.

The bait could be in a bear trap, or placed over a hidden punji pit.

Side: No he got you!
atypican(4873) Disputed
2 points

Did you read it after I did some... creative editing?

Side: Yeah you got him!
ProLogos(2794) Disputed
2 points

I've been reading since the start, so I am completely aware of the situation...

Side: No he got you!
3 points

The fact that you, of all people, created a drama debate about me... yep, you got trolled. ;)

Side: No he got you!
atypican(4873) Disputed
2 points

See, I knew he would post here .

Side: Yeah you got him!
Hellno(17724) Disputed
1 point

Two minutes later? What's your point?

Side: No he got you!
1 point

Now you'e making a sister post about said post. You've been trolled into next week.

Side: No he got you!
atypican(4873) Disputed
2 points

Hmm. Maybe I will post the whole exchange in the debate description.

Side: Yeah you got him!
1 point

I couldn't just copy paste so, I have to try a different way .

Side: Yeah you got him!