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Debate Score:55
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 Diet Coke Heart Risk (52)

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outlaw60(15368) pic

Diet Coke Heart Risk

JUST two sweetened drinks a day can dramatically raise heart risk, studies show.

"A couple of glasses of pop may increase the danger of heart failure by a quarter, scientists "believe."

"But it is not "clear" if the harmful effects are down to the drinks themselves or the "lifestyle" that goes with them."

Leftist made nothing "clear" here !

Is it Leftist are more into the scare factor than providing any real facts of what they spew forth ?

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So is everyone other than you a "Leftist"?

outlaw60(15368) Disputed
2 points

I'm looking for the real facts from Leftist on the article ! You got some facts on the article ?

1 point

No you aren't, you are looking to be obnoxious. You referred to "Swedish researchers" as Leftists.

You clearly aren't looking for a legitimate conversation. So I gave you a response of the same caliber.

1 point

The wording of this debate shows that you believe only the left can believe in science.

1 point

I don't drink diet soda. That is a cancer risk. .

1 point

I dont really want to get involved with this cartoon character but I should mention that The Sun is a right wing newspaper. Before you ask, no I wont find the facts for you.

outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

The UK Sun is right wing ? LMMFAO ! Do tell how they might be ?

Atrag(5666) Disputed
1 point

Is there any answer I can give that wouldnt lead to this character just repeating the question again?

Always drink the real stuff.. not all these dieting stuff which are not actually helping you

1 point

This research is based primarily on correlated conclusions from the data. There is NO cause and effect connection yet established.

From the article:

it is not clear if the harmful effects are down to the drinks themselves or the lifestyle that goes with them.