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Sure... this is mine: One God! Believe or Burn!
Debate Score:32
Total Votes:34
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 Sure... this is mine: (12)
 One God! Believe or Burn! (10)

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Hellno(17724) pic

Different Gods for Different People: Legit or Not?

Okay, so Christians say believe in the Bible or burn?

This has been done before I'm sure but what I'm asking is this:

Christians: Are all Muslims going to hell for being born in a Muslim nation?

Muslims: Are those who support Israel going to Hell simply for being Jewish?

Chinese: Not allowed to believe so going to Hell!


Sure... this is mine:

Side Score: 20

One God! Believe or Burn!

Side Score: 12
3 points

I don't think Christians should do any kind of believe or die campaigns. Based on the Bible, God should be the only judge. It is not right, according to Christianity, to attempt to predict the destination of someone's soul. No one can see one's heart but God. Everything else is unnecessary speculation.

Side: Sure... this is mine:
2 points

My paycheck is my God....

Side: Sure... this is mine:
2 points

Thank God for Direct Deposit!

Side: Sure... this is mine:


Side: Sure... this is mine:
2 points

All Gods are fake ass shit! Prove your God to me!

Side: One God! Believe or Burn!
1 point

so you do not believe in a "one source"? thats what god is, not some entity, god is just there to make us appreciate seperation when we become connected with the "all source" because if it is the all source, we are a part of it, no?

Side: Sure... this is mine:
1 point

Christians: Are all Muslims going to hell for being born in a Christian nation?

First of all Muslims are never born in a Christian nation they were born into a Muslim family and they are strict into following Allah the moon god.

Side: One God! Believe or Burn!
Emperor(1340) Disputed
3 points

Ahaha, wow Srom, are you serious or are you actually that stupid?

You're so pathetic. You make me sick. Seriously, if someone was dumb enough to believe you, I would be angry that you tricked someone so shamefully.

What you say isn't true. Everything you say is either a lie or ... do you actually believe it?

You have some huge mental problems. I suggest you leave this site and fix them before you come here spewing your shit.

You don't even care about debating, you just want to prove people wrong. Self improvement means nothing to you, nor does being a kind person.

You need to try to understand reality as it actually is, not how your delusional right wing creationist christian authorities say.

Side: Sure... this is mine:
1 point

actually all religions are based off the sun and the moon, there are sun religions, like christianity, a masculine religion, and moon religions, feminine religions, the moon represents feminism because from darkness (the womb) comes light (life) i dont think reality is as objective as you would like to believe, and is very hurtful when you say the things ou say, you are extremely ignorant. just because someone has beliefs because it gives them a sense of purpose... they must be mentally ill right? thats wonderful western logic at its finest. you sicken me with what you said, all he was saying is they follow a moon religion, whats wrong with that?

you need to understand reality is more than just logic and intellect

Side: One God! Believe or Burn!
Srom(12120) Disputed
1 point

Ancient Arabs believed "Allah" (the moon god) married the sun goddess and they had three powerful goddess daughter named Allat, Al-Uzza, and Manat.

Also here is some evidence that allah is the moon god.

When you are on the website and read the thing above and below the picture because below the picture it uncovers archaeological evidence that allah is the moon god.

Side: One God! Believe or Burn!
Srom(12120) Disputed
1 point

Here is another thing you have to read that proves that the allah is the moon god.

Side: One God! Believe or Burn!
Cuaroc(8829) Disputed
1 point

Allah the moon god.

You calling your own god a moon god again?

Side: Sure... this is mine:
Srom(12120) Disputed
1 point

Nope I am not why don't you read this and it will tell you the truth about Islam

Side: One God! Believe or Burn!
1 point

While I do like what troy said on the other side about Christians predicting the damnation of others.

I wan't to say that It wouldn't make a whole lot of sense for there to be more than one god for everybody. It's just wouldn't. I'm just trying to imagine some big meeting where they decided "let's co run this planet" I guess it's not that fare of me to say what's weird and what's not but it just doesn't seem that logical to me.

Side: One God! Believe or Burn!
1 point

i think god is always one and from my opinion one god is for all the people of different kind having same god...........

Side: One God! Believe or Burn!

there is only one source that everything came from, so to worship something that came from the source of life, and not the source of life itself, is illogical in my opinion

Side: One God! Believe or Burn!
1 point

there is no god in the world .we thought that there is god which helps us .but there is a thought "GOD HELP THOSE WHO HELPS THEM SELVES".the summary of this thought is i we only faith in god the god will do nothing if we faith in our selves we can do anything we can achieve everything which we want.

think abt it

Side: One God! Believe or Burn!