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Debate Score:10
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TheThinker(1688) pic

Should Female Rape Victims Share Fault Because of How They Dress?

The key word is "some." But if you think they should share "all" the responsibility, i want to read your arguement.

I don't condone rape. I had not rape. So the reason for this debate is curiosity.

I have a feeling that if someone votes on the "yes" side, they will be verbally insulted by people who voted for "no." I don't want that to happen and if that happens, i will ban you. If you feel that you can't restrain yourself, then immediately turn away from this debate. But i would like to hear your point of view on this topic.

God bless.

Edit. I change the title to be more specific.


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2 points

no, not at all, if your talking about justified responsibility which your question implies anyways. If a woman is raped because she dresses very "loosely" yes that can higher her chances of being raped BUT that does not mean its ok to rape her. If however you are talking about the sense of fashion we are talking of having anything to do with rape then, like I said before it does probably higher your chances. but your question says "should" and I don't think that such sense of fashion should higher the chances of such a catastrophe.

Side: No
1 point

What kind of responsibility are we talking about?

Do you mean, "they should have had an alarm system, learned self-defense, carried a gun with them"?

If so, I would say... okay. But that goes for sharing responsibility for anything bad that ever happens, since their could have been some way to prevent it, possibly. I would say, then, that since it applies to practically all kinds of crime, that it's, in the end, useless to suggest that a rape victim should share some responsibility.

Now, if you mean "she shouldn't dress so slutty," I would say that I like it when a girl dresses slutty, and I would hate it for them to have to choose between making us guys happy or NOT being raped...

Side: No

The second one. I feel like they should bear responsibility because how they dress. But, no means no and they have the right to dress how they want. Tho that it is a natural right but not a cultural right. I mean, you can't walk around naked in New York City. Tho, you can walk naked in nudist parts of the U.S.A.

Side: No
1 point

You can't walk around naked because it's illegal.

Otherwise, you can do exactly that.

Side: No
1 point

"We're sorry that that person who weighs three hundred more pounds than you raped you, but it's your fault for not being stronger than him."


Side: No

lol i agree on what you are implying.

Side: No
1 point

that is true! they are not to be blamed if a huge guy attacks outta nowhere and rapes ya!

Side: No
1 point

not really! sometimes when a woman is fully dressed she might be raped so its kinda the same and at the same time those women who dress very light do that for fashion not to tell the guys to rape them! it sometimes triggers the situation of rape yes but not all the time!

Side: No
1 point

Absolutely not. There is no excuse for rape and no matter how she is dressed she is not "asking for it". Even if she is walking down the street naked, that is still not an invitation.

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