
Debate Info

Yes, the left loves Muslims No, right just dislikes them
Debate Score:19
Total Votes:19
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 Yes, the left loves Muslims (6)
 No, right just dislikes them (5)

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DS0330(267) pic

Do progressive liberals really "love" Muslims?

I here some like outlaw60 claim progressive liberals (like U.S. democrats) have a "love affair" with Islam and Muslims. Why would they think this? It is pretty clear why. They are among those supporting the banning and attack on Muslims and progressive liberals are against it. They think that since progressive liberals are not pointing to Muslims as a problem, they must love them. However, by looking into this, it becomes clear that it is not because progressive liberals "love" Muslims, but that these anti-progressives, conservatives, right-wingers, etc. dislike Muslims and point to them as a problem (and assume if you don't, you love them). The default for them is attacking the Muslim world, any less is a "love affair". 

So no, I say that this is just an invention of these few right-winger anti-progressives.

Yes, the left loves Muslims

Side Score: 12

No, right just dislikes them

Side Score: 7
3 points

When we criticize the left, we don't really mean literally that we believe you love Muslims. What we are trying to get at is the left seems to be willing to bring them from countries with a history of radical Islamic terrorism (Syria, Iraq, Egypt, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, etc.) and consider them, "refugees".

The truth of the matter is this.

1. 75 percent of the refugees in Europe are young men.

2. Over half come from Syria, a country that's in a war with multiple parties. Including ISIS.

3. Since Sweden issued an open door policy, the crime rate has increased over 300 percent and 1 in 4 women in Sweden will be raped by what the statistics show.

4. And now there are cities in Europe with an "off limits" area that are filled with Muslims who refuse to acclimate to their new countries' culture.

5. Terrorist attacks have happened across Europe for that past decade, the majority which were caused by radical Islamic terrorist.

6. Over 500 people have been killed since 2004 from radical Islamic terrorism

....and I could go on and on.

Side: Yes, the left loves Muslims
2 points

The left loves them because they vote overwhelmingly Democrat. The moonbats need as many non white, non Christians in this country as possible. It really is that simple.

Side: Yes, the left loves Muslims
DS0330(267) Disputed
1 point

This just proves what I am saying. Since many oppose an irrational ban, you assume they love Muslims.

Side: No, right just dislikes them
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
2 points

Of course you make an assumption when faced with the facts because you can't face the fact that Progressives love Muslims even when they oppose everything you stand for when it comes to women and homosexuals !

Side: Yes, the left loves Muslims
3 points

It's not that the right dislikes them, it's just we don't trust them.

Hundreds of innocent civilians slaughtered in the countries which welcomed them and gave them comfort in their hour of need.

Too many seriously injured and horribly maimed people with lost limbs trying to live out their lives with these awful afflictions caused by Muslim terrorists.

Too many grieving families and loved ones whose lives will never be the same again, all courtesy of the peace loving Muslims.

Every time a consignment of Muslims enters the country there will be a % of them who will be committed terrorists and a further % who will be radicalized and become terrorists.


Side: No, right just dislikes them

Quoting myself from another debate,

you know, it reminds me of a cartoon that I watched as a kid. Let's call the characters A, B, and C.

So C seemed like a bad guy from his face. A said it is a bad guy. B said there is no correlation, and to prove it, I will help him.

Now, at the end, C turned out to be a bad guy.

You shouldn't be getting too emotional about the religion that the opposite side takes the other absolute. The consequences are, then, random.

Side: No, right just dislikes them