
Debate Info

Yes all the time No I'm drunk
Debate Score:16
Total Votes:19
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 Yes all the time (5)
 No I'm drunk (6)

Debate Creator

TroyB(173) pic

Do the Dinosaurs get in your way when you pour your milk?

This seems to be a recurring issue for me. Remember to ban your sources :) 

Yes all the time

Side Score: 9

No I'm drunk

Side Score: 7
2 points

Yes this is an problem. Any ideas on what I should do?

Side: Yes all the time

Sounds like you been sleeping with that Chairs guy. Who thinks non sequitur and mindless babble are signs of being hip and mysterious.

Noooooo. Just juvenile and droll and not what I come to a debate site for.

Maybe Yahoo Answers would siuit you better? That joint is filled with kids.

Side: Yes all the time
TroyB(173) Disputed
1 point

If you do not want to partake in a debate on the subject of dinosaurs and milk then do not comment on the debate. Ignore it and move on to one that is more to your liking. Remember to ban your sources :)

Side: No I'm drunk
chairs(67) Disputed
0 points

Enough of your ignorance, knave. Look outside and that person living in some state, like waves at me and walks to North Korea, I sit in my bed being hauled out of bed in the middle of a curtain that is now a prison, and while he is being dragged in two pieces into the pure bright orange family, the page cries after the bathroom, he wants to splash water on the bed and all that is there remains.

Side: No I'm drunk

This hasn't actually happened to me. Maybe I'm not following the instructions correctly?

Side: No I'm drunk
TroyB(173) Disputed
1 point

Try sobering up first, then see what happens

Side: Yes all the time
1 point

No, because they're extinct. But by the time the aliens return me to my house the cereal has usually gone all soggy.

Side: No I'm drunk
1 point

I never pour milk. I Drink it str8 frum the cartoon.

Side: No I'm drunk
0 points

The dinosaurs have been extinct for 65 million years, amigo.

Sounds like you're the one who just did a few too many chilled Stoli shots!


Side: No I'm drunk
TroyB(173) Disputed
1 point

Can you prove that all dinosaurs are extinct? And the milk is 2% in case you are wondering. Good luck on your quest!

Side: Yes all the time