
Debate Info

Yup. Say whaaaa?
Debate Score:8
Total Votes:8
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 Yup. (3)
 Say whaaaa? (4)

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joecavalry(40130) pic

Do we need more smart, black, scientists on TV?

Disclaimer:  This a "real" debate by joe_cavalry

(yes, you read that right)

I'm sorry if I have dissapointed you.

After a few days

I'll decide if I should ever do another real debate


leave it to the professionals.


Side Score: 4

Say whaaaa?

Side Score: 4

OK, so the idea here is that if we have more smart, black, scientists on TV, then racist people will not be able to say that black people are dumb.

Now, in light of women's lib, what do the large number of images, on the internet, of white, half-naked, women, tell us? ;)

Side: Yup.
daver(1770) Disputed
1 point

Do you want to debate the merits of more smart black scientists on TV, or did you really want to express an opinion about pornography.

Side: Say whaaaa?

I want to debate the merits of images presented on the media. ;)

Side: Say whaaaa?
1 point

I completely agree with the idea. Like Tyson said, when someone racist sees a black person after having seen a black scientist, they experience cognitive dissonance and have to reconcile two contradictory notions. And although you have half-trolled with the image provided, your definitely bringing up an equally important topic. Women are represented very poorly on the internet and in the media in general, and it does help reinforce the stereotypes.

Side: Yup.
1 point

No, some women represent themselves that way. I was referring to all the half naked selfies on the internet. And I troll my own debates so no one else has to ;)

Side: Say whaaaa?
1 point

I see no negatives from having more examples of smart, successful black people on TV.

Side: Yup.
1 point

They don't need to be on TV to be influential. It would be great if every school had a black teacher that the students could see being successful. That would help inspire the black students to achieve.

Side: Say whaaaa?