
Debate Info

sure they do who knows
Debate Score:3
Total Votes:3
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 sure they do (2)
 who knows (1)

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joecavalry(40130) pic

Do werewolf babies have puppy breath? Do vampire moms breast feed their babies?

sure they do

Side Score: 2

who knows

Side Score: 1

Yes, to the first one. I don't know to the second one. I don't know if vampires babies are born with fangs.

Side: sure they do
1 point

Sure why not!There teeth will grow in a few years after there born thou!But who cares,no one!

Side: sure they do

Neither have babies until a baby is bitten, so the bitten baby would have to get blood just like any other vampire, but I don't know about the werewolf babies...

Side: Who knows