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Debate Score:6
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Aselya(27) pic

Do you agree that all art is useless?


Side Score: 2


Side Score: 4

All art is inherently useless. All application of purpose to art is salesmanship. There is a central human idea to use tools, but no one can use art without arbitrarily implied meaning. All of this implied meaning can be expressed without art more efficiently.

A beautiful building has "useful" effects on people, but there is no rational reason in why people are affected by it. It makes us persons and not rationally designed robots: The surplus phenomenon of art.

Side: Yes
1 point

I do not agree with this statement because art is a part of our life. Art is everywhere (music, films, fashion, photos, poetry,dance,etc.) It has an important impact on us. It inspires, gives us a change from ordinary life, makes us develop morally, mentally. It connects people from all around the world. Sometime it saves us from silly decisions or acts.

Side: No
coolman(1) Disputed
1 point

You said that "it connects people from all around the world. Sometime it saves us from silly decisions or acts." How can you say that?

Side: Yes
1 point

Absolutely not. Art is incredibly important. It gives humans an valuable medium of self-expression and it's another way for them to make statements that are political / humanitarian etc. It humanizes our culture, no matter where we live.

Side: No
1 point

Humans really seem to value the idea of beauty. Art is one way we see beauty. It's a creative outlet and self expression for people. Some Art can be preserved and used as a decoration.

Side: No

Artwork by famous artists would not be work millions if art is useless.

Side: No