
Debate Info

Yes, I do. No, I do not.
Debate Score:10
Total Votes:10
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 Yes, I do. (8)
 No, I do not. (1)

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Kairat(27) pic

Do you agree that every man is an architect of his future?

Everything is in your hands!

Yes, I do.

Side Score: 9

No, I do not.

Side Score: 1

Yep, everyones in charge of their own fate, while others do influence the course of your life, it is ultimately up to yourself to decide the outcome

Side: Yes, I do.
1 point

Hi Kairat. yes, I agree. Although some people say that happens whatever is your destiny, but I think even destiny depends on you. see you tomorrow ;)

Side: Yes, I do.
Kairat(27) Banned
1 point

First, people take important decisions in the future themselves. Freedom or independence means that our lives are shaped by personal priorities rather than external constraints or social pressures. Our life is a kind of house, and man is a builder. How man will build his house, like this it will stand in the future. The best day of your life is the one on which you decide your life is your own. ”

Side: Yes, I do.
Kairat(27) Banned
1 point

People take important decisions in the future themselves. Freedom or independence means that our lives are shaped by personal priorities rather than external constraints or social pressures. Our life is a kind of house, and man is a builder. How man will build his house, like this it will stand in the future. The best day of your life is the one on which you decide your life is your own. ”

Side: Yes, I do.
1 point

Our past decisions, thoughts and actions are what makes us who we are and those combined with our present ones would definitely contribute to who we become. Circumstances do play a major role in shaping our future.

It would be rather foolish to give ourselves completely over to destiny. Rather, we should make our own destiny. Khalil Gibran once wrote 'Bread baked without love is bitter bread that feeds but half the hunger of a man'. Similarly, work done half-heartedly will half help us achieve our goals. We need to believe in ourselves and work whole-heartedly to achieve a desired result.

We shouldn't completely give ourselves over to fate, at the same time, we need to remember that even the slightest turn of events could hinder our progress. Keeping both these points in mind, we should dedicate ourselves to what we strive to achieve, which as architects, would be our dream project.

Side: Yes, I do.
1 point

Of course man is an architect oh his future, it does not depend on his position in society on the contrary it can motivate him to live better than he was living. If man wants to live good, rich, successful life, he should try to do his life better, instead of finding reasons.

Side: Yes, I do.
1 point

personally, I agree..cuz God shows us a good way, but we decide whether to go through it or not... we build our own future!!!

Side: Yes, I do.

A man molds himself to a structure that he wants to be. He is the conqueror.

Side: Yes, I do.
1 point

No. A man is only a complement of his life. In reality, he cannot fully control his or her life for there are lots of factors that have a more considerable impact on the life than your wishes or desires. We are aware of many situations when someone tries very hard to reach the goal, whatever this is, a huge promotion, a college admission, or even getting the attention of a girl. And as it is usually happens, your opponent set an ambush for you. In a result, all your attempts, sleepless nights, efforts are just worthless and cost nothing at all. You may say it has given an considerable experience, however, there is no point of this experience if you do not you use it. Well, you can't, you are not able to build your life on your own even if you try very hard. A lot of things out of your life, not depending upon you, affect on your life. You should consider all the pros and cons before you are up to something, even if you are a hard believer.

Side: No, I do not.