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Reward Points:33
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10 most recent arguments.
Gozel(33) Clarified
1 point

But next one gets old and younger one appears... again same story will be repeated, don't you think?

1 point

Again you say "these Arabs".... can you say that all Germans were fascists? It is nonsense! Fascistic system mostly depended on government who manipulated psychology of people! They had goal to get rid of Jews, it was only THEIR wish, but they needed people who would do that, so they used the idea of "Jewish are bad" and made people believe in that. Same with terrorists, they use the idea of "Muslim" to collect people and make them believe that IT IS OK TO KILL PEOPLE IF THEY DO NOT DO AS GOD WANTS. It is just THEIR psychological attack! Learning such things from childhood really effects on minds, those children are the fruits of the project. They are the ones who will do the mission! I say IT IS A BUSYNESS NOT A DIVERSITY PROBLEM! Some smart asses earn money on trained people who were taught not to think but do! Manipulators can be from Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan...etc. Do you really think that you are protecting? Man, you don't know many things that are going on in Political system especially in AMERICAN SYSTEM... Bush was very clever, he knew that fighting them in the Middle East would make him guilty and gain more enemies, because other countries would think it is unfair.... So, with the help of his FRIEND OSAMA BEN LADEN he got first step by MIDDLE EAST which helped him to begin the war with Iraq... "PEOPLE BEHIND THE CUTINS" they are very smart and if you ever had chance to talk to them YOU WOULD START THINKING OTHERWISE! This is about war. There is a war of counter-terror on terror. We are protecting what is ours by right. The only empire in the world…. So, you think putting in jail for every suspected person for a long time relying on your power is PROTECTING WHAT IS YOURS? What about taking HIS right? Do you know that there wasn’t found ANY evidence about Abu being guilty? Your “The only empire” is empire with the help of the entire world FYI! If you want to apply some legal procedure into it then it should be the US at the receiving end of the punishment. How come? Just because you think so does not mean it is correct. Can you give any stronger arguments with evidence and prove? We need to lock up these Arabs because they hate freedom … Do you ever think deeper? Do you AT LEAST know who Arabs are? I think TERRORIST=MUSLIMS=ARABS=YOUR OPINION=STUPID! Arab is a nationality not a group of workers or members of some kind of an organization…. Can I say WE NEED TO SHUT MOUTHES OF AMERICANS SO THAT THEY COULD NOT EAT BECAUSE THEY HATE BEING FAT?! You are another hypnotized person who listened to some speeches which include words “terror muslims 9/11 terrorism terroristic act terror terror terror muslim arab iran terror….. ” Do you think nowadays with those technologies it is possible for a person to get into plane with lots of bombs without any help of internal members??? The matter is money and GOAL of that Terroristic act!!! Not about religion, not about nationality or God, it is just a Military project nothing much )))

0 points

YES, terrorists should not be, but not suspected ones! Just because a person is Arab or muslim does not mean he is a terrorist!!! Furthermore, he is involved with islamism, but I think religion should be personal choice! everyone has right for that. Islamism is not terrorism and if he would do crime related to "muslim terrorism" then he would change his image and hide his religion... I suggest people fight with terrorism not islamism.... because terrack is a political and military "excuse" for countries to organize some conflicts in porpuse... It is like: Bush asks Osama to do terract in 9.11 in order to begin war against Iran, and there is NOOO evidence that it was done by muslims, just "some" people wanted them to be recognized as muslims! when you ask an American:why you think 9.11 terract was done by muslims?" they answer stupidly: "because they said "Allahuakbar"" Is it a reason? if they would say: "Yebhārēkh-khā Adhōnāy weyishmerēkhā ..." would that men they are jewish?? No, the possible reason is that Iran has enough wealth, in addition they did not let America build their military base there... You think terrorits are just brainless muslims who just wants to die? no, they are programmed from childhood creatures just for such missions... and not only by muslims... but by people who are interested in them, including Politicians..!!!

1 point

First of all, "being suspected" is not enough to take someone's freedom. Secondly, we have better chance to find their "center" releasing him, then keeping in prison, observing and following him would help to find his "coworkers". Thirdly, on the streets there are more people who are dangerous... does not mean we can just take them and put in jail untill they do crime... I believe that Abu Qatada would not be released easyly without any reason....

1 point

education can mean money, but money never means education.... no knowledge no success, in my opinion! So, first education, probobly then money :)

1 point

heyyy Kairat, I see you do not have any argument here ;) I think if people have culture in common there would be less missunderstanding and fights. World would not have culture clash and arguments. I wish it was.... but it is impossible because of different life style and history in different places in the world.... ;)

1 point

I agree that culture should be changed because life is changing year by year. People face technical progresses, improves and learn better ways of living. Why we should not change the things that many peoplein the past suffered from? for example glacc ceiling for women? what about merrage?

Gozel(33) Clarified
1 point

do you agree that tradition and culture is the way people should live because that is the best life style which was setted by our ancestors?

Gozel(33) Clarified
1 point

Well, they die, but new generation will become old though.... the problem still continues? is there any other solutions you think?

1 point

There are muslims all over the world, and peole of other religion. This movie offended all muslims and has touched our honor! I am very objective person, but not the movie! If there was a negative movie about christians, then I would misunderstand the religion..., so that is what the Anti-Islam film did.

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Winning Position: Yes, it should be supported

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"do not get confused between my personality and attitude! my personality is WHO I AM, but my attitude depends on WHO YOU ARE!"

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Country: United States

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