
Debate Info

Yes, b/c No, b/c
Debate Score:27
Total Votes:27
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 Yes, b/c (13)
 No, b/c (11)

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bemagic15(530) pic

Do you believe in Global Warming?

I don't really have an opinion so I want someone to convince me which side I should get on

Yes, b/c

Side Score: 15

No, b/c

Side Score: 12

Yes. I truly do. Lots of people say it is the orbital tilt and has a lot to do with the earth's warming and cooling periods but if this was the case things would be different. We have melting permafrost which is worst that CO2 because it holds 20x as much heat. We have hurricanes gaining strength and reaching further into land. Evidence for this is by looking at the major hurricane so for starting with Katrina. Then Irene. Then Sandy. Weather around the world is changing and temperature are fluctuating more than usual. The ocean temperature increased by 1 degree. People usually say oh it's just 1 degree that is nothing. But you must realize that 1 degree could kill life in the ocean. Plankton are migrating upward making whales travel further for there food and we have been seeing whales that are skinny and have their spines sticking out. They are malnourished. We are seeing species that usually remain near the equator migrating upward because the water has warmed. The ice is melting on the caps and this is critical because white ice reflects the most light and with less white ice the ocean absorbs the heat. Australia is going through intense desertification. Ozone used to be a problem but the Montreal protocol has handled that because that was about CFC's. Now it is about carbon and other gases making our atmosphere thicker which keeps heat inside of our atmosphere. CO2 is the most well known one but there are other pollutants such as mercury or even sulfur. Methane is a big one as well. We are seeing plants beginning to adapt to the increasing heat levels and phytoplankton are slowly dying out. Global Warming is a major problem.

Side: Yes, b/c
Rogue Rascal(9480) Disputed Banned
1 point

Sun spots.

Side: No, b/c
1 point

Sun spots have existed and they come and go in 11 year period intervals. It isn't sun spots because sun spots are cooler than other spots in the sun. I am in astronomy so I know that sun spots are not a cause.

Side: Yes, b/c

Do I believe it exists? Yes, because the scientists say so, and show evidence of temperature increases. Even in the summer I feel hotter than I usually do, but I am a simple person with a body that's ever changing so my 'feelings' are not enough to go on.

Do I believe it was caused, or mostly caused, by humanity? No, because there are so many factors involved in the temperature of our planet, that's considered technically perfect for life to exist, and the planet is so vast. It's small compared to the solar system that may be able to affect it's temperature, but it's large to people who only inhabit a very small portion of it. I read somewhere once that all the people in the world could fit shoulder to shoulder in California or something similar to that.

Side: Yes, b/c
2 points

It is a man made problem. Or should I say far too enhanced by man. Industrialization is mainly the cause.

Side: No, b/c
Quocalimar(6470) Disputed
1 point

I can't entirely believe the pollutants we've been putting into the planet are responsible for the deterioration of the planet that's been gradually reaching it's peak since the day it began some billions of years ago.

More than likely, the results have been happening but have only been noticed when scientists wanted a solution to the issue.

Side: Yes, b/c
Cartman(18192) Disputed
1 point

You posted on the wrong side. Unfortunately, Global Warming is a bad term. "Global Warming" pretty much only refers to man made higher temperatures for the planet, not the general idea that the temperature is higher. You don't believe in Global Warming according to how it is normally used.

Side: No, b/c
Quocalimar(6470) Disputed
1 point

No I didn't, it asks do I believe it. Which I do.

Global Warming: an increase in the earth's average atmospheric temperature that causes corresponding changes in climate and that may result from the greenhouse effect.

The may is the part that I don't follow suit in, but I do believe that Earth is getting hotter.

Side: Yes, b/c
1 point

....if I believe that heat melts ice? Yes, I do .

Side: Yes, b/c

I live in Scandinavia.

When I was a kid I remember thick snow in the winter, like real snow you can go out and play in, and I remember having beautiful springs and lovely summers.

Now we have only one season and that is fall all year long.

It is too hot for the rain to become snow, but it is too cold for the rain to be pure liquid, so it's like a disgusting combination of rain and snow and it sucks.

I hate global warming.

Side: Yes, b/c
1 point

Of course yeah. We can see the increasing of water volume of the sea every year. Earth is going to its next age time.

Side: Yes, b/c

It is now 2015 and even Pope Francis has written an encyclical warning about global warming.

Side: Yes, b/c
1 point

Margaret Thatcher is a bitch.
Side: No, b/c
bemagic15(530) Clarified
4 points

Sorry but I don't want any trolls

Side: Yes, b/c
1 point

Snow in May convinced me pretty well that global warming doesn't exist.

Side: No, b/c

no because the whole world would be covered in water and some ice is that how it is no there places that are hot and cold and some just cold!

Side: No, b/c