
Debate Info

Yes, we can No, we cannot
Debate Score:9
Total Votes:12
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 Yes, we can (6)
 No, we cannot (3)

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fellahst(8) pic

Do you believe man can reach immortality this century ?

Yes, we can

Side Score: 6

No, we cannot

Side Score: 3
1 point

I don't know, but I wouldn't be surprised if we can. If the scientific and technological boom of the last couple of centuries has taught us anything, it's that the future is beyond our imagination.

Side: Yes, we can
1 point

I believe man has already reached historicals levels of immorality! Inmorrality runs deep in this county and continues to take over in every aspect! Immorality is running rampant all around the world and theres no way to stop it! President Obama contributed to the uprise in immorality by signing a same-sex marriage law into play.Now the immorality level is to take a step upward for the worse!!

Side: Yes, we can
1 point

Probably it won't be the fun kind though.

Side: Yes, we can

dude immortality is soooooo last millenia

Side: Yes, we can

Death is an illness waiting for a cure. Perhaps, the cure for death can be found this century.

Side: Yes, we can

No, but possible future technological advancement could achieve this end but the means will take centuries.

Side: No, we cannot
0 points

Not this century, not "no we cannot."

At any rate a lot of study has gone into this by several including Kurzweil whose kind of the current authority. There's something called like "law of increasing returns" or some such nonsense, but it doesn't work. Things increase exponentially for awhile, then the rate of increase decreases. This is true for everything. It's a bell curve not a line... if that makes sense.

Side: No, we cannot
fellahst(8) Disputed
0 points

This is arguable. Human progress the last centuries never came backward (may be for short period of time). Medicine, Information Technologies are making progress at an exponential rate. I do not think progress follows a bell curve

Side: Yes, we can
iamdavidh(4856) Disputed
1 point

It depends which portion of human achievement you're measuring. As a whole, we went straight from an industrial revolution to a technology revolution. Many look at the time frame from 200k years ago or so and now, and sure enough it is exponential, and human lifespan has fallen into that.

However human's are young when one's measuring progress on a Universal scale.

It is not beyond comprehension to imagine that our entire history thus far is a spike in sort of a nyse of some publically traded commodity - to do a human example which however complex tends to follow nature thus far... not that we're publically traded, just that our math follows the Universe.

When one looks not at the whole, but individual advancements; when was the last time we made a major leap in agriculture? Are we still building with brick and mortar? How much has the engine of the car really changed?

The problem is proponents look at human life in the scope of human advancement as a whole. As a whole, we have been exponentially advancing.

Life though is not a whole, it is a single thing - like brick and mortor or the engine of a car.

Now, you may argue about the engine of a car. I will say though despite the advances, they don't break the speed of sound much less the speed of light. If they were exponential they would break both by now.

The sum of human advancement in the short may be exponential. Individual items we've created advance exponentially, then exponentially slow in advancement. This is a bell curve.

Side: No, we cannot