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Debate Score:3
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Keith1988(34) pic

Do you believe that 'Christianity' vs. 'Atheism' is a short-sighted argument?

I see far too many head butts with these view points but few seem to consider that they are two beliefs out of hundreds, if not thousands, more. So, that being said - is this whole argument short sighted on both parts you think? As both seem to have very 'black and white' arguments.


Side Score: 3


Side Score: 0

Neither side wants to give an inch, and I believe that that contributes to a big part of why the argument still goes on today, and why neither side with opinions can seem to get along.

Side: Yes...
1 point

Atheism vs Theism cover everything. Christianity is just one of about 3500 religions.

Side: Yes...
1 point

I think the more militant atheists target Christianity because it is probably the biggest religion in the world so making it a big target, although both groups are heaping a lot of the hatred usually reserved for each other on Islam at the moment.

I think it is a very short sighted view, there is no need to have a go at someone because of the fact that they follow a religion or not, its as bad as having a go at someone because of their colour.

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