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Debate Score:14
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kmcdonald(14) pic

Do you believe the lack of snow in December should be attributed to global warming?


Side Score: 6


Side Score: 8
2 points

This is an example argument that agrees that the lack of snow and cold temperatures in December is directly related to global warming.

Side: yes
1 point

It definitely isn't. Like Vincent said, last year was brutally cold and dumped feet and feet of snow on us. It's nature's craziness. Not global warming.

Side: No
1 point

test support response test support response test support response test support response test support response test support response test support response test support response test support response test support response test support response test support response

Side: yes
1 point

Global warming is happening, look at the receding ice thickness in Greenland and other arctic 8 nations. "That used to be a glacier", a local states as he points to a barren hill in a quote from an article called "Cold Warriors". This article illustrates the impacts of global warming on northern communities. Obviously global warming is happening, but what people must understand is the difference between anthropogenic and natural global warming. Natural global warming may simply be the product of the Milankovitch cycle, or even a shift in natural geological processes.

Either way, global climate change is happening. The sooner the global community realizes this, the better.

Side: yes

Either way, resultant shifts in temperature, sea levels etc, will be severely detrimental to both humans and natural biomes.

The current mentality is not a rejection or obliviousness to global warming any more. Mostly, people just don't care for a time or place they don't inhabit. If occurrences like this keep happening though, as we begin to really feel the effects ourselves, hopefully more will be done (and hopefully before the tipping point).

Side: yes

On average there has been less snow fall but not much of a change in participation, .

Side: yes
2 points

This is an example argument that global warming has nothing to do with the changes in weather we experienced during the month of December.

Side: No
2 points

Support for argument that there is no correlation between December weather and global warming.

Side: No

We had record snowfall last year and none this year. Thats not global warming thats just the randomness of nature.

Side: No
1 point

Global warming refers to climate change whereby the entire globe's tempurature is rising at rates unprecedented in history.

Which is a fact. You can track average tempuratures a number of ways, and it is warming faster than ever in the Earth's history that we know of and we also know that increased CO2 for a fact creates a greenhouse which is most likely the primary cause for the rapid change.

But local tempuratures, as everyone who studies climate as opposed to weather understands, has little effect on a specific area or a specific day or month of the year.

The earth is large and old afterall, it's about trends not moments in time.

Naturally if one believes the earth is flat and 5,000 years old or whatever all kinds of things are proof of all kinds of things and who knows... maybe warmer winter = satan is on his way.

For the rest of us, more telling is the shifts and records broken more often. This is a better sign of changes in overall climate than the tempurature on any given day.

Side: No