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 Do you debate in real life, the way you do here? (26)

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Quocalimar(6470) pic

Do you debate in real life, the way you do here?

I think the title's pretty self explanitory. I want to know what it asks, and why you feel you do or don't. What could be some factors leading to you debating a different way.

Any dispute where words are given at least once on your part and once on your opponent's part counts as a debate for this topic.

A couple's silhouette arguing

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I debate exactly the same.

2 points

like an annoying *?

jk, i dont even know you.

Bow down to me

0 points

Who the hell do you think you are? Get off this site, you arrogant pig.

Yes, i do. I listen to my opponent, and make sure that when i ask a reasonable question, i do not just let them respond out of context.

Chuz-Life(497) Clarified
1 point

I am about the same with one exception.

In a real life debate, I tend to be a little more coy unless we have an audience.

No. In real life I have the option to reach out and smack the person upside the head ;)

Me too Joe. I even been known to smack them more than once. Is there an app we can get for CD?

I'm working on one ;)

I most certainly do. I love debating especially with good friends of mine. Although they function more like discussions because we remain civil the entire time.

I won't even front. I am calm, collected, and pretty factual because I don't have to respond immediately. In real life, I'm irrational, I get pretty angry, but always manageably so, and my facts are sub par, mostly thought on the spot and usually hoped that the person doesn't call me out. I have even at times physically assaulted people after a debate has gotten too heated.

I think the biggest appeal of internet debating is, as I said, not having to respond immediately. I can take some time to organize my thoughts, and I enjoy that.

I am nearly the same way... I am bad at debating in real life... my "facts" are typically just things I have heard and really have no idea about XD

1 point

I'm pretty much the same, maybe a bit more fiery because in real life people will interrupt when your trying to make your point

depends on topic, science, technology, law... yeah pretty much same but if is it about religions then it's quite dangerous to argue with Muslims - not agreeing with them a.k.a. "Islamophobia" usual leads to death threats or attempts to kill me (personal experience). Christian street preachers are usually former drunks or junkies incapable of a different argument than "bible says so" ...and that usually makes me leave after few seconds.

In my chess club games usually turns into interesting political battles...

1 point

No I don't debate in real life the way I do here and the reason is because I get all nervous to debate with someone and sometimes I don't know what to say to other people about certain topics.

If its about Christianity then yes I would debate how I would here but other topics no.

I debate more here because I type my responses and there are plenty of topics listed for debate.