
Debate Info

GOOD! Power to the people BAD! Power to the government
Debate Score:1
Total Votes:1
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 BAD! Power to the government (1)

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excon(18262) pic

Do you know what jury nullification is? Is it a good thing, or a bad thing?


It's when the jury TELLS the judge what the law is, and NOT the other way around..

For example, a person might be on trial for drugs, and the judge will INSTRUCT the jury to find him guilty if certain thresholds have been crossed..  But, the jury might think drugs should be legal, so they "nullify" the law by bringing in a not guilty verdict.. 

Disregarding the judges instructions isn't a crime.  The people, through their juries, have a LOT of power, if they'd only use it.


GOOD! Power to the people

Side Score: 0

BAD! Power to the government

Side Score: 1
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So put Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden in front of a jury and let them decide and use their power.

Side: BAD! Power to the government