
Debate Info

I love FLAC! MP3 is ok by me!
Debate Score:3
Total Votes:3
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 I love FLAC! (1)
 MP3 is ok by me! (1)

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addltd(5125) pic

Do you like AWESOME audio? Check out PONO!


I just pledged against this most awesome Kickstarter project...!  I love my audio and I really love high end audio...hang on 'cause here it comes!

Neil Young is ther founder and the vision, force, energy, and voice of PonoMusic.

Generally speaking, mp3 files have a bit rate of 192kbps or 256kbps. These are highly compressed files, and are smaller in size than higher resolution music files.  The good news is that you can keep a lot of them in a small amount of storage on a portable player or mobile device.  The bad news is that they’ve lost a lot of the musical information that often reveals the most pleasant and satisfying aspects of the music – mostly it is the sense of realism, and dynamics, and detail that higher resolution recordings typically capture.


On the “low end” of higher resolution music (CD lossless, 16 bit/44.1kHz), PonoMusic files have about 6 times more musical information than a typical mp3.

With ultra-high quality resolution recordings (24 bit/192kHz), the difference between a PonoMusic digital file and an mp3 is about 30 times more data from which your player reconstructs the “song”. 


CD lossless quality recordings: 1411 kbps (44.1 kHz/16 bit) FLAC files 
High-resolution recordings: 2304 kbps (48 kHz/24 bit) FLAC files
Higher-resolution recordings: 4608 kbps (96 kHz/24 bit) FLAC files 
Ultra-high resolution recordings: 9216 kbps (192 kHz/24 bit) FLAC files 


Kickstarter -

PonoMusic -


I love FLAC!

Side Score: 1

MP3 is ok by me!

Side Score: 2
1 point

I love high end audio! I was so happy to see this player being offered through a Kickstarter project...I sighed up for the Tom Petty signature version and can't wait for October to roll around. If your MP3 play sounds tolerable, just wait until you hear this! The FLAC format is awesome and will knock your socks off!

Get one for yourself! Kickstarter -

Side: I love FLAC!
2 points

Ipod does 256k and in combination with good ear buds is enough. It is very unlikely that there would be any difference.

Side: MP3 is ok by me!