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 Do you remember the before time? (6)

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Quocalimar(6470) pic

Do you remember the before time?

When you could go up to the tv to change the channel?

When you might have asked for a tv show character toy for Christmas rather than a game.

When if you wanted to see some breasts you'd steal one of you dad's magazines rather than searching for it online?

What do you think about modern times and it's comparison to the old times.

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2 points

I also remember when cartoons didn't have to teach kids something, they were just a fun way to waste time. They were a little racist but it was okay because you were just laughing at how stupid it was, not any hidden meanings.

I'm nostalgic for those cartoons, and really depressed when I see new ones comes out that are basically made entirely on a computer, never touched by a human's hand.

2 points

Yes I remember a lot of good shows that were on TV in the past and modern tv progresses most of the shows I have seen are no interest to me or are trash to me. Which is why I will be cutting off my cable tv in my house because most of the TV I watch is online and not on TV.

The Ipod came out but guess what I don't have one and yet I still have a CD player that still works. I like to be old school and sometimes old school is good.

Thanks for making me feel ancient...I do remember that.

2 points

I remember all that, only having 3 TV channels in the UK, kids using their imagination and playing outside, the shops being shut on Sundays and being able to get a Pint a pack of Cigarettes and still have some change from your pocket money.

I remember when TV stations would sign off for the night. I can also remember leaving the house without locking the door.