
Debate Info

Yes, it's right No, it's inhuman
Debate Score:4
Total Votes:4
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 Yes, it's right (4)

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judgemaster(265) pic

Do you support euthanasia?

Do you support the though of ending someone's life to relieve them from the pain?

Yes, it's right

Side Score: 4

No, it's inhuman

Side Score: 0

I think that a person has the right to decide whether he or she wants to live or not

Side: Yes, it's right
1 point

If someone is suffering, they have the right to choose relief. I would want to die if I was like that.

Side: Yes, it's right
1 point

Yes, pain is really hard to endure, especially if you are growing old. It is moral for me because I think people had enough suffering back when hey were younger, and I think we should give the old people the benefit of the doubt. It is also their choice if they would live or not. It's not like doing suicide.

Side: Yes, it's right

I think of the individual person suffering. If someone is in terrible pain, then I think the individual suffering has the right to request euthanasia.

Side: Yes, it's right
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