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Debate Score:18
Total Votes:19
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 Yes (2)
 No (4)

Debate Creator

KingOfPopForever(6903) pic

Do you think America will ever return like she used to be?

In a positive way not negative.


Side Score: 4


Side Score: 14

Maybe if we ship all of our liberals to France ;)

Side: yes
10 points

What exactly did old America have have that we need?


Side: No
2 points

I hope not, I would never want to digress in the slave owning, wife beating, uneducated days of old. I live in Canada and I wouldn't want that as a neighbor.

Side: No

I can't think of a single world super power that came back, like a phoenix from the ashes.

Side: No

This is the 21st century and the times cannot go back in the past.

Side: No