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Debate Score:6
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KarinaNur(12) pic

Does God Have a sense of humor?

What do you think about that? 

Does God have a sense of humor? If he does, how is he joking then?  


Side Score: 3


Side Score: 3
1 point

[In my point of view, God has a sense of humor.

Of course, it doesn't mean that He created us just for fun :)

He created everything and if we have a sense of humor then God has it too.

But I cannot understand how he is joking.

But, I am sure that God has a sense of humor. If somebody has arguments for that tell me then.

In my opinion, if he hadn't have it, everything would be very serious and boring. But people should laugh, people should smile, because it is a big and important part of our life.]

Side: yes
2 points

In my opinion, if he hadn't have it, everything would be very serious and boring. But people should laugh, people should smile, because it is a big and important part of our life

I'm sure he's looking down right now at all the babies dying of starvation and thinking...I created them with the need to eat in a world without enough food to feed them...look at the bodies...look at the flies...That's some funny shit!

(then he ROTFLHFAO)

Side: No
KarinaNur(12) Disputed
1 point

[Yes, I agree, that there are some problems in our world. But there should be both pluses and minuses. We cannot have only negative or only positive things, we should have a balance.

But you cannot say that everything in our world is bad. We have a lot of happiness. We have beautiful nature. we have parents, friends. We have eyes to see, mouth to smile, ears to hear. It is a miracle, that babies can live under their mothers' hearts for 9 months. There are much more things to be happy in our world. ]

Side: yes

Yes. He created man and gave him the perfect world, then he created woman .

Side: yes
1 point

If you are talking about any god endorsed by a religion, then I can confidently say that God probably does not have a sense of humor. He has to exist to have one...

Side: No