
Debate Info

God exists There is no God
Debate Score:60
Total Votes:72
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 God exists (17)
 There is no God (15)

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padma14(9) pic

Does God exist?

The aim of the debate is to find the number of people who believe in God and the number of people who believe in life.

God exists

Side Score: 33

There is no God

Side Score: 27

For my personal beliefs I believe he exists. I do not think the bible is an accurate description. I do believe he is omnipresent, "omnipotent" (almight), and possibly omnibenevolent but I am not sure about that. I do not believe in an omniscient God. I do believe in God but I do study more along the lines of science.

Side: God exists
3 points

How can you say there is no God? You say he doesn't exist because you think our scientific development is the most advanced. Do you think that things which cannot be physically seen, heard or felt don't exist? Let me give an example. About fifty-sixty years back, no one knew what microwave radiations were as they were not physically seen, heard or felt. But now, we know that it exists. And thus, there are many more things that run this universe which I think we will never be able to understand because our so-called advanced technology is actually very primitive. Hence, there is a God, formless probably, but definitely present, guarding our world and possibly many other worlds.

Side: God exists
2 points

I think we can all agree that there is a beginning to everything. Many known scientists have, in fact, believe that God exists or admit the possibility of it. Galileo Galilei, for example, noted that the Bible cannot err and saw his system as an alternate interpretation of the Biblical texts. Isaac Newton, in Principia stated, "The most beautiful system of the sun, planets, and comets, could only proceed from the counsel and dominion of an intelligent and powerful Being." Albert Einstein recognized the impossibility of a non-created universe. He stated, ""Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind." Many atheists carelessly say that believers cannot prove the existence of God. I'm afraid all they ever do is contradict without understanding what they attack. In a law court, the prosecutor always examines the evidences presented by the defendant. That is only fair and just. But in the case of disproving God, many atheists fail to examine nor read Biblical passages in context and just jump-start on a standard contradiction or stick to their own ideology of how the solar system was formed without examining other possibilities. Until up to this point, no one can disprove the existence of an Intelligent Creator. If you don't believe in Creationism then you must be a Materialist/Evolutionist; and thus, you believe that we all came from an accidental collision. If this were so, then you must believe that everything from genetic formation to the cycle of life and to the processing of thoughts are mere products of accident? Would you also say that this discussion happened to be a result of an accident; thus, disclaiming the fact that we actually think because we are intelligently designed to do so. Life is formed with complexity, and it takes more than a leap of faith to believe that everything fell into place because of an accidental collision. We all have seen explosions. Have you seen an explosion that has resulted to anything so orderly? No. Dr. B. G. Ranganathan said, “…the probability of life originating from accident is comparable to the unabridged dictionary resulting from an explosion in a printing shop” (Origins?, p. 15). And this only speaks to the likelihood of any life at all, rather than the most highly complex forms such as large animals or human beings—let alone all the different kinds of life that exist today.

Side: God exists
2 points

I hope so, and if He really does exist I hope he makes this freak Intangible leave me alone so he will stop messaging me. Ewwww.

Side: God exists

You can fool everybody else, but not I. xD

Side: God exists
Ammorosa(4) Disputed
2 points

Whatever you say freak. Just stop stalking me while having your psychotic breaks and leave me the eff alone and also STOP messaging me!

Side: There is no God

To a believer, God does exist and nothing can shake his Faith away from him.

Side: God exists
2 points

I have been presented quite a few god claims, but never have any of them been demonstrated to be true. Many of the natural occurrences that have been attributed to gods in the past, like lightning and rainbows, have been explained by science. Those people had faith in their gods like people do today, I see no reason to believe any of them.

Side: There is no God
kungfugrid(1) Disputed
1 point

Just a question, if you think that God does not exist, then how do you think life originated?

Side: God exists
AveSatanas(4443) Clarified
1 point

Ill answer that. I for one dont think god exists and we have theories on how life originated. There are multiple abiogenesis theories that offer pretty plausable scenarios for how life originated from non-life on a dead earth billions of years ago and then of course evolution took things from there and eventually we have humans billions of years later however these are not proven theories. So wheras i accept these things as plausible and likely, ultimately my answer is "i dont know". Which is a fine answer. Its okay to not know things. Its not okay to not know things and CLAIM to know them.

How do YOU think life originated?

Side: God exists
2 points

I will not make the positive claim that there is no god because we dont know if that is true or not. However since all of the available evidence points to the conclusion that there probably ISNT a god, i do not believe in one.

Side: There is no God
OddHannah(313) Disputed
2 points

However since all of the available evidence points to the conclusion that there probably ISNT a god, i do not believe in one.

Please, show us some of these points that conclude that their probably isn't a God.

Side: God exists
AveSatanas(4443) Disputed
0 points

Pretty much a lack of any evidence whatsoever from any scientific field as well as historical findings for a god is suggestive that there isnt one.

The laws of physics and every finding based around nature and the laws of physics are suggestive that everything we havent found of discovered will also align with these laws instead of being supernatural and godly.

The numerous errors of all kinds present in pretty much every holy book ever written.

and much more that isnt coming off the top of my head

Side: There is no God
padma14(9) Disputed
2 points

How can you say there is no God? You say he doesn't exist because you think our scientific development is the most advanced. Do you think that things which cannot be physically seen, heard or felt don't exist? Let me give an example. About fifty-sixty years back, no one knew what microwave radiations were as they were not physically seen, heard or felt. But now, we know that it exists. And thus, there are many more things that run this universe which I think we will never be able to understand because our so-called advanced technology is actually very primitive. Hence, there is a God, formless probably, but definitely present, guarding our world and possibly many other worlds.

Side: God exists
AveSatanas(4443) Disputed
1 point

I never said a god doesn't exist not do I claim to know that a god doesn't exist. I just don't believe that one does exist and happen to also think one probably doesn't exist. That aside your analogy to microwaves is way off because whereas we can't see or hear microwaves, they can be felt and they can easily be tested for and used in: microwave ovens. God on the other hand isn't just invisible and untouchable. He is literally claimed to be outside space and time and entirely untestable. There is no way science of any kind can reach and confirm or deny him. That's where theists had to put him so exactly that wouldn't happen. I don't think such a being exists. I have no reason to. The idea is absurd and entirely speculation and myth with no bearing on reality whatsoever. Until you prove it he's a myth.

And who are you to call our science primitive? How do you know there's so much more out there? In order to judge how advanced our knowledge is you have to have some idea of what the whole of knowledge is. Which you don't have. If the whole of universal knowledge is 100% you have no way of judging whether we have 1% or 46% or 99%. You have no clue so don't act like we're so primitive. I happen to think we have a lot of knowledge. Enough to begin to have a good judgement on what is part of our reality and what is not. I happen to think I can make a good judgement on whether a cosmic ju ju personal human loving god of Bronze Age sheep herders is real or not. And I decide the later.

And thus, there are many more things that run this universe which I think we will never be able to understand because our so-called advanced technology is actually very primitive. Hence, there is a God, formless probably, but definitely present, guarding our world and possibly many other worlds.

I agree. There probably is alot more we don't know and probably things well never know. However that doesn't automatically prove a god. Your entire argument here is "I don't know/there's things I don't know, therfore there is a god". This is called the god of the gaps fallacy in which you stick god into the gaps in your understanding to complete the picture. There's no reason to do this and it's a fallacy to because gaps in knowledge are not evidence or proof of a god. For me, "I don't know" is a perfectly fine answer. And until I have PROOF of what is in the gaps in my understanding I won't make any unsupported speculations as to what is there. That's why I can't believe in a god. And it's a lie for you to claim there is one blindly.

Side: There is no God
1 point

What evidence say that there is no God? Please show me what evidence does so.

Side: God exists
kungfugrid(1) Clarified
1 point

Have you tried examining the evidences (i.e. the Bible) presented by the Creationists in context?

Side: God exists
AveSatanas(4443) Clarified
1 point

The context of a 2000 year old book of mostly false historical accounts mainly written to propogate the bronze age religion of desert jews? Not exactly a context i care about .

Side: God exists
2 points

One word that may surprise people who know me.


Side: There is no God
2 points

Probably not, maybe so. If there was evidence for him, we wouldn't have debates like this. No one ever maks the debate "Does Earth exist" because...well e can see it. Blind people can hear it. Deaf and blind people can feel it. People with those conditions, and that one that makes you unable to feel pain, have equilibrium on their ears that let them know they are standing on it.

I'd go on but it'd get weird. Point is he probably doesn't exist, since this question keeps finding a reason to pop up and when it does, no one ever firmly solidifies his possibility, even though other evidence points to his lack of a possibility.

Side: There is no God
2 points

God created everything, and evil is everywhere. Therefore, God doesn't exist since he is claimed to be benevolent, and yet he created evil.

Side: There is no God
AmazingJew(2) Disputed
1 point

Does cold exist?

Cold does not exist. According to the laws of physics, what we consider cold is in reality the absence of heat. Every body or object is susceptible to study when it has or transmits energy, and heat is what makes a body or matter have or transmit energy. Absolute zero (-460 degrees F) is the total absence of heat; all matter becomes inert and incapable of reaction at that temperature. Cold does not exist. We have created this word to describe how we feel if we have no heat."

Does darkness exist?

Darkness does not exist either. Darkness is in reality the absence of light. Light we can study, but not darkness. In fact we can use Newton's prism to break white light into many colors and study the various wavelengths of each color. You cannot measure darkness. A simple ray of light can break into a world of darkness and illuminate it. How can you know how dark a certain space is? You measure the amount of light present. Isn't this correct? Darkness is a term used by man to describe what happens when there is no light present."

Does evil exist?

Evil does not exist, or at least it does not exist unto itself. Evil is simply the absence of God. It is just like darkness and cold, a word that man has created to describe the absence of God. God did not create evil. Evil is not like faith, or love that exist just as does light and heat. Evil is the result of what happens when man does not have God's love present in his heart. It's like the cold that comes when there is no heat or the darkness that comes when there is no light."

So, my point is that your philosophical premise is flawed. You are working on the Premise of Duality.

Side: God exists

Well We were all obviously created by a completely random explosion followed by random crunches. This random explosion of energy somehow completely organized how our consciousness, our body and brain work and completely set the evolution of plant and animal in motion.

Because random explosions always get shit done Hell yeah.

Side: There is no God
2 points

Ignoring your blatant sarcasm and obvious lack of understanding of scientific theories of all kinds, what's your explaination? God poofed it there. Don't ask how he just did. That is so much better than supported scientific theory and progress.

Side: There is no God

What's the point of your response?

"God poofed it there. Don't ask how he just did. That is so much better than supported scientific theory and progress."

So you agree with me? :D

Side: There is no God
kungfugrid(1) Disputed
2 points

Please give an example of an explosion that has resulted something so orderly like our solar system and has created time. We all have seen explosions in one way or another, and they have all resulted into chaos. Therefore, your argument is invalid.

Side: God exists
AveSatanas(4443) Disputed
2 points

The big bang wasnt a literal explosion. It was a rapid expansion of space time (among other things). That name isnt a good representation of what it really is and was coined by a magazine author to make fun of it. So you mentioning things about explosions from say fireworks or bombs causing chaos is inaccurate.

Side: There is no God
Intangible(4934) Disputed
1 point

"We all have seen explosions in one way or another, and they have all resulted into chaos. " Logical fallacy.

Maybe go read the big bang theory and all of the theories surrounding it. I don't got all night to explain it to you.

Side: There is no God