
Debate Info

No, Its completely ok! yes, you pansywhackadoodle
Debate Score:6
Total Votes:6
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 No, Its completely ok! (5)
 yes, you pansywhackadoodle (1)

Debate Creator

connorowesme(305) pic

Does a guy being in a Musical production make him "different!"

My friend said The school production of Romeo and Juileit Would be stupid!

No, Its completely ok!

Side Score: 5

yes, you pansywhackadoodle

Side Score: 1

I think its defiantly okay, he is tupid, i think he is a pansywhackadoodle!

Side: No, Its completely ok!

Well... Romeo and Juliet... they NEED a guy.... so connor so you know all those Hollywood guys who sang as children... their millionaires now so... you all you say otherwise, go die in a hole.

Side: No, Its completely ok!
1 point

I mean, I was in a musical.

but i am different.

but i'm ok.

so... um, what?

Side: No, Its completely ok!
1 point

I've been in a lot of stage crap, and I don't think it made me any different than I really was.

Side: No, Its completely ok!

Hugh Jackman is in plenty of musicals and he is not "different."

Side: No, Its completely ok!

I don't support this side's ridiculous tag, as the question asks if a guy would be different, the description asks if it would be stupid, and the tag makes a direct assertion.

What I will say, is that, guys that go into musicals are different, they generally aren't into the same things as the majority of guys their age.

That said, there is nothing wrong with it, I'm different to most guys my age, I don't really like sports, and I don't act like a complete retard in groups of guys in some vain attempt at masculine one-up-manship. I like music, reading, science, good food and comedy. I'd hate to be the same as the majority, they are mostly idiots and actually love things that they won't admit to. That's no life.

If you want to do this, do it and fuck what your mates think, let them handle their own business and go about your own.

Side: yes, you pansywhackadoodle