
Debate Info

Yes, it does No, it doesn't matter
Debate Score:28
Total Votes:28
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 Yes, it does (11)
 No, it doesn't matter (13)

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Ardak1210(76) pic

Does age matter in relations?

Yes, it does

Side Score: 13

No, it doesn't matter

Side Score: 15
2 points

Yes. With age comes wisdom. So the older partner would have more experience with life but the younger one. I don't believe that a 40 year old should be dating a 20 year old because 1) just out of high school 2) can't keep up with each other and 3) Most likely they have different priorities like getting out of high school into college, studying, getting a higher job level, board meetings, etc.

Side: Yes, It Does
2 points

Age does matter. We are not in relationships with other human bodies but with human beings which are to a large extent a sum of experiences. If the age gap is too big those experiences will be too different and will affect the relationship. Russian to someone who grew up during the cold war would mean communist and if you grew up in the 90's it would mean mail order bride, death metal or masculine leadership (just an example, not all people will have these connotations).

Side: Yes, It Does
1 point

Yes, it does matter. It is known that people of different age have various views on the life because each person thinks according to his generation. Time changes. Tastes, views on the life also changes with time. How so different people may have any relations? Certainly, it may be, but I don't believe that relations like this may be so long.

Side: Yes, It Does
1 point

Yes. With age comes wisdom. So the older partner would have more experience with life but the younger one. I don't believe that a 40 year old should be dating a 20 year old because 1) just out of high school 2) can't keep up with each other and 3) Most likely they have different priorities like getting out of high school into college, studying, getting a higher job level, board meetings, etc.

Side: Yes, It Does
1 point

yup, I agree with you. I think that an old man dating with a 20 year-old is a crime (I know no laws forbid that, but...). This thing could happen if that old man were a super-rich person, in this case, we can't argue about love anymore, it's just merely a woman who wants money. Also, it's abnormal for younger person to like an older one. Check the Playboy magazine boss, you'll know what I mean.

Side: Yes, It Does
1 point

It does...... to an extent, maturity plays a vital factor in "love" but its not the only thing that depicts the success of a relationship another is compatibility, sometimes the most compatible people are ones who have very different views on things (opposites attract) it allows constructive confrontation and promotes growth.

Side: Yes, It Does
1 point

I disagree with you. Yes, may be age in relations is not the most important thing, but it has influence to it. It is really significant to have true love in relations. However, if two people have absolutely different mentality, views on the life and tastes which expressed by age. How is it possible? It is known that people of different generations totally differ from each other. For example,it may refer to views on religions, notions about something, upbringing, character and other many other things. All these things may prevent understanding each other. Most of causes, they just aren't able to find anything common for both. First of all, every person tries to find close partner on age. I think it is impossible that two people with big age difference may love each other. If they even have any relations, the main reason of it may be only to get advantage from it. May be marriages like this exists, but it is very seldom. I want to conclude that age matters in relationships because it may be the main cause of too many conflicts between people.

Side: Yes, It Does
1 point

I want to support my opinion with statistics which done by psychologist Ariadne Green. According to her it is very seldom that couples who have big age difference are happy. Many of them do not finish their relations with happy end. As for statistics, 30 per cent of couples like these divorce. The main reason of this is too many conflicts caused by age. We can't say that other couples are very happy because they also may have relations to have advantages from it.

Side: Yes, It Does
1 point

Yes. I do not want to marry someone that is old enough to be my grandpa. That would be gross.

Side: Yes, it does
2 points

I guess it depends. Age as in age difference? Or age as in, a couple of teens dating?

You see many adults in relationships, and sure they may look happy n what not. But there are still many many divorces and breakups no matter the age. The younger generation have more break ups only because they're inexperienced and possibly afraid of committing to just one girl/boy.

Really though, the only thing that does matter is the age difference, more specifically, the age gap between the two.

Side: No, it doesn't matter
1 point

Yes, it does matter. It is known that people of different age have various views on the life because each person thinks according to his generation. Time changes. Tastes, views on the life also changes with time. How so different people may have any relations? Certainly, it may be, but I don't believe that relations like this may be so long.

Side: No, it doesn't matter
1 point

Matter in what sense? As long as they're consenting adults, it can be a healthy or unhealthy relationship depending on the individuals involved. A couple that's around the same age won't necessarily work out- it depends on the reasons for getting into the relationship, the expectations, and ultimately whether or not they're compatible.

Being older doesn't mean being wiser. Maturity and wisdom might be the same level for people far apart in age, for many reasons. I think the success of a relationship can't be determined by age. However, I think it's more likely that people find someone with similar interests, desires and maturity level near the same age.

Side: No, it doesn't matter
JackRex(10) Disputed
1 point

On the short term, the reasons for getting into a relationship and the expectations would matter but in the long term interests and desires would matter. This would never be the same for people with differences in age. Ultimately, they would not be compatible. Hence age does matter in relationships.

Side: Yes, It Does
Integrity(73) Disputed
1 point

Why do you assume that age difference means a difference in interests/desires? Do you have the same interests and desires as everyone the same age as you? Of course not.

Interests and desires are subjective to each individual. That is why I argue that age cannot be a determining factor of a good OR bad relationship outcome. People with a huge age difference can share the same interests and desires, or at least more so than people their own age, depending on what their interests/desires are. What evidence do you have that they can't?

Side: No, it doesn't matter
1 point

I don't think so , age doesn't matter in relations because firstly understanding and support are important parts, but if a person older or younger than you for a few years it does not matter. If you love each other , who cares? Your life you can do wherever you want....

Side: No, it doesn't matter
1 point

As nickograham said, different people are more compatible than others and it promotes growth. "Different" also consists different age. We have many example for this from real life like Demi Moore, who is 49, and Ashton Kutcher, who is 33, also in Russia, there is a famous couple Alla Pugacheva, who is 62, and her spouse Maxim Galkin who is almost two times younger her. In my opinion, people who think that age does matter, they just deny relationship with younger or older people.

Side: No, it doesn't matter
Zarinkayaa(59) Disputed
1 point

I disagree with you about the age of Alla Pugacheva and Galkin I think in this age , she should prepare for funerals but not for wedding ..... It's unthinkable really

Side: Yes, It Does
Eldana(75) Disputed
1 point

Zarinka! You are so rude! You wrote such a strange thing. I do not like Pugacheva's songs and find her crazy somehow but she also has the right to be happy and if Galkin makes her life full of light, happiness and love, it is not the bad thing. As for the funeral, I would notice one fact which has lots of evidences - marriage can really extend the life. On the other hand, I do not notice anything wrong if they will prepare their funerals together. Love unites people and it is easier to organize such psychological difficult thing like funeral.

Side: No, it doesn't matter
Alibek(31) Disputed
1 point

I know that it's strange, but it shows that age doesn't matter in relation. By the way, where have you seen that people prepare for their funeral? Isn't it "unthinkable "?

Side: No, it doesn't matter
Alibek(31) Disputed
1 point

I know that it's strange, but it shows that age doesn't matter in relation. By the way, where have you seen that people prepare for their funeral? Isn't it "unthinkable "?

Side: No, it doesn't matter
1 point

Yes, i completely agree with other opinions thatage does not matter on relationships.

First of all, the main thing in relationships between two people is love, isn't it?

So how we can predict who we will love? Also, if you build any relationship, it is known that the confidence play such a great role. You may be know, that every relations cannot live without trust!

Therefore, the age does not play any role, people, love is great thing, it does not depend on age!

Side: No, it doesn't matter
1 point

Nothing's matter is love!!! There is no time, countries, or appearance between love.

Side: No, it doesn't matter

If both parties are accepting of the age differences, then more power to them.

Side: No, it doesn't matter