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fruits1928(47) pic

Does alternative medicine really cure illnesses?

Alternative medicine is basically practices that replace standard medical treatments. An example of alternative medicine is dieting pills. 


Side Score: 2


Side Score: 5
1 point

Some alternative medicines are found to be very helpful in which the normal modern medicine have failed. For instance there are many medicinal plants in the forest which can be used to cure even terminal illness. I have myself heard several accounts of people who got cured by natural treatments. Morover practises such as Yoga has great effects on mental as well physical health of person. So i belive to som extend alternative do succeed.

Side: Yes

There is always hope. Sure, I do have my doubts about alternative medicine but I do think some of them should be given a try.

Side: Yes
2 points

Well, no, but a placebos can go a very long way, especially in treating depression.

Side: No

"alternative medicine" is a problematic term. There are some treatments that can be considered "alternative medicine" that are more simple methods of commonly used treatments. Those can cure illnesses, or at least treat symptoms.

But then you get the "anti-vax" kind of alternative medicine, and then it just goes down hill.

Side: No
1 point

This is my own opinion after 30 years as an orthodox health professional.

Most "cures" are simply the treatment of symptoms of disease. so that they no longer cause problems, i.e hypertension, mental illness, diabetes, etc etc etc and so on and on. There are few "cures" without some form of medication and these usually lie with the patient, e.g. obesity which may have a significant cause and an effect upon blood pressure, diabetes, etc etc., so if the patient loses enough weight then these "illnesses" may be "cured".

Some illnesses however may require medications for life, e.g glaucoma.

C'est la vie

It is my belief that alternative medicine in whatever form, herbs, homeopathy, yoga, acupuncture, etc etc., may have a calming effect, and help people to stay well, however, there is as yet no scientific research that indicates they can relieve the symptoms of a medically diagnosed acute or chronic disease.

However, in so saying, in an ideal world, they can both walk hand in hand together to both keep people well and treat them when they are not.

Side: No
1 point

no..............because d alternative medicines might not have all the natural and quality products required.

In addition the alternative medicines like diet pills might be having chemicals which make them dangerous so they might actually cause more harm

Side: No