
Debate Info

Yes a god does exist No a god does not exist
Debate Score:6
Total Votes:6
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 Yes a god does exist (2)
 No a god does not exist (3)

Debate Creator

Dracdis(7) pic

Does god exist (prove your opinion)

Does god exist

Yes a god does exist

Side Score: 3

No a god does not exist

Side Score: 3

Yes God exists.

I am proof of that. Since I am born again in the power of the Godhead.

Are you washed in the blood if the lamb?

I am Demon Hunter.

Demons, false prophets, anybody connected with the afraid.

Be very afraid.

Side: Yes a god does exist
1 point

Well look here you genius why don't you take this question to the Mooslimes and see what your answer might be ! You got the NUT SACK for it ?

Side: Yes a god does exist
1 point

No a god does no exist as you can't prove that one does. If you cant see it you cant feel it you can't record it then it does not exist.

Side: No a god does not exist

My Strawman argument:

1.There is a tea kettle on the other side of the sun.

2.Prove it?

1.Well you can't prove its not there.

2.But is seems VERY unlikely.

1.Just prove there isn't.

Side: No a god does not exist