
Debate Info

Prevent Propel
Debate Score:9
Total Votes:10
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 Prevent (2)
 Propel (3)

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PrayerFails(11139) pic

Does government regulation prevent or propel private monopolies

Government Regulation    VS     No Regulation



Side Score: 4


Side Score: 5
2 points

Depends on the type of regulation, regulation that adds to barriers of entry can help monopolies. I doubt that this effect of some regulation is intentional and is likely a by product of a regulation for something like making sure things are made safely and cleanly(ie addresses health and environmental concerns.) I suppose such regulation might find support from large companies who want to use it to raise the cost of the whole industry, hoping that their competition won't be able to handle what they know they can.In such cases legislators should consider if more competition is worth the environmental or health impact or see if temporary subsidies should be given to smaller companies.

Anti-trust, anti-price fixing etc regulation helps to prevent monopolies.

Side: Prevent

Large corporations always have an propensity towards more regulations because it inevitably results in favoring big business because the smaller guys have to spend large amounts of money in order to comply with enforced regulations.

Two Reasons

Big companies have the resources and man power.

The government loves monopolies, and this is evident in regulatory policy, which is why they help large companies form them by destroying competition through restrictive regulation, and also, government has its fair share in monopolies as well.

Government hates competition.

Side: Propel
aveskde(1935) Disputed
1 point

The government loves monopolies, and this is evident in regulatory policy, which is why they help large companies form them by destroying competition through restrictive regulation, and also, government has its fair share in monopolies as well.

Government hates competition.

These statements contradict.

Side: Prevent
1 point

Here, since your ineptness has reached new levels, I will type it like your a first grader.

Government loves monopolies, the USPS is the most deeply embedded monopoly of all government monopolies where it is even in the U.S. Constitution. This is obvious because they create regulatory policy to help large companies form through the help of lobbyists and destroy their competitors by the complicated regulation, which is why many lobbyists help write the bills. Small business must obey and puts a heavy burden of extra costs on them. Therefore, government hates competition, which is why they love monopolies.

Side: Propel
2 points

Post Office, energy companies,cable tv companies,natural gas companies,etc,etc

Side: Propel