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Debate Score:3
Total Votes:5
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ProLogos(2794) pic

Does logic exist outside of human thought?


Side Score: 2


Side Score: 1
2 points

i believe dolphins have been shown to recognise more from less on dots on two slides in an experiment, but unfortunately i can't find it. i did find this though, which i think illustrates the intelligence of dolphins in a different way.

then there lies the possibility of alien races.

or other species we've yet to discover or are yet to evolve

we could even question what specific aspect makes us human? humanity is a arbitrary category of a particular type of mammal. a little or a lot could change from a human with their logical processes intact, but so that we could no longer consider this organism human.

then we could question our definition of logic. many people have flawed logic that can derive different answers than our own. many people have grounded logic which can be fed different information or biases to conclude different answers than that of our own.

in short, yes

Side: Yes
-1 points

1=1 and if you think of 1 then you think of 1.

Checkmate atheists!

Side: No