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Debate Score:19
Total Votes:24
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JakeJ(3255) pic

Does this piss you off?

Immigrant Sex Offender May Be Released in North Carolina Untreated Due to Illegal Status

A high-risk, 18-year-old sex offender in North Carolina may soon be a free man — because he is an illegal immigrant and the state has determined it cannot pay to put him in a treatment facility.,2933,490026,00.html


Side Score: 5


Side Score: 14

This is just FOX being FOX. Immigration is a hot topic right now. I fear it is a tactic some politicians are using to deter from the economic stimulus or else the money they handed the banks or something I don't know about.

First off, almost every case ends up in deportation. why it didn't happen i don't know. Why FOX decided to bring attention to this is obvious, immigration is a hot topic right now,

I'm more pissed about this!

"A notice from the local mental health agency, Foothills Area Program, soon followed, saying the $128,000-a-year services being provided to him would be terminated effective March 31, 2006."

128,000 dollars for what?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I mean seriously that is just a ludicrous #. Where does that all go? What service costs that much? And if it's charged to the government than that means someone is bamboozling us from our tax dollars.

Side: No
JakeJ(3255) Disputed
0 points

A 5 year old girl getting raped by an illegal immigrant doesn't piss you off?

You would seriously rather go after fox news?

Side: yes
1 point

No but the wording you used does. How about rape in general isn't right. Just because it's an illegal immigrant doesn't make it any worse or better. Let me make a point here. This story is over 4 years old and all of a sudden it surfaces, ironically, while one of the big topics in the media is immigration. Yes, that does piss me off. Fox is a joke. This is just used as a way to create stereotypes of illegal immigrants. The same shit would happen if he was a minor. Look up the legal system, that's how it works...illegal or not he would still be released.

Side: No
3 points

Yes, this pisses me off. The fact that the state does not want to pay to incarcerate him does change the way I look at it. I think he should be deported, but only if the country he is going back to agrees to put him behind bars for at least as many, hopefully more, years than the American justice system has chosen to jail him for. That way, he doesn't get to enjoy the relatively nice jails this country has compared to other, less developed nations.

Side: yes
2 points

I think he should serve 25 years in prison and then get deported.

very reasonable actually.

Side: yes
2 points

Be deported into a third world country's jail would be sufficient as long as he was there for life ( maybe 20 years thats what ' life ' really means )

Side: yes
1 point

wow you guys are nice.

I say they cut his thing off then either deport him or make him serve for life here in the U.S.


Of course im only joking about cutting his thing off.

Side: yes

Being a sex offender he should spend sometime in prison, illegal alien or not! But since I'm such a kind hearted person, ounce he's out of prison he goes to back to his country and he's back in prison. To answer your question yes it pisses me off!!

Side: Yes and No
1 point

First of all, he's not being released because he's an immigrant. He's being released because the State said they don't want to spend any more money on a non-citizen.

So he will be deported.

As part of Faux's continued effort to brew hatred, the article words it as if immigrants are allowed to rape little girls. Not the case. There's no question this person will be deported, and imprisoned on someone else's dime, this is just Faux "fair and balanced" through the looking glass reporting.

I'm pissed at how much it costs per year to treat these f^#ks.

$128,000/ year? Something needs to be done about that.

Side: yes
1 point

yeah we need him to shoot at and yell at and to scare other countries!! dont kick him out kill him and post it on the internet

Side: yes
1 point

cant someone follow him on a dark night, and deal with this problem.. perhaps all his victims could,..

Side: Yes