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 Dose Religion have too much Power in Society to day? (19)

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Dose Religion have too much Power in Society to day?

I was wondering if people like me also think that Religion has too much Power in Society to day, but i was wondering what others also think about it?

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3 points

I don't think that religion has to much power in society today. I think that the media does.

The media makes religion look bad. On almost every TV show there is now days, religious people are made out to be weird. Like Amy's family on Everybody Loves Raymond and Angela on The Office.

Side: not as much as the media
Warlin(1213) Disputed
4 points

Nah, those are just the really creepy people that everyone has to deal with. You know, those people that are really awkward and don't realize that unless called upon their religious views shouldn't be openly expressed because nobody cares?

Now, normal Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, and others don't act like that openly. Religion doesn't look bad, people who stretch religion to unrealistic proportions and just don't know when to chill do.

Living here in Utah, I can say I have some Mormon friends and yeah the media pretty much says that Mormons are freaks. I have seen the Mormons media likes to demonstrate but I can say my friends act nothing like that.

Side: not as much as the media
JakeJ(3255) Disputed
1 point

Well not everyone has to deal with those creepy people, I don't know any people like that, other than what I see on TV.

The media likes to stretch religion to unrealistic proportions.

I am glad that you are not buying what the media is dishing out considering that I am Mormon.

Side: not as much as the media
2 points

I love The Office and Angela is one of my favorites. She's so funny haha. but seriously, I agree. The media says something and America goes crazy over it. AND they overexaggerate EVERYTHING

Side: not as much as the media
3 points

"So you mean to say that you've had two different sets of men duel over you?" - Oscar

Soooo funny!...

Side: not as much as the media
1 point

You're right that the media has greater influence. I've heard it called the new Catholic Church, in terms of its power over the world's current cultural hub.

As far as treatment of religion goes, you're right about sitcom type of stuff and its treatment of excessively religious people. Everyone on scripted and reality TV is by necessity a caricature. But in the rest of media, the vast majority, religion is still sacrosanct. If an atheist commits a murder, you'd better believe it's gonna be about a quarter of the headline.

I don't so much object to that as I do to the root of the problem, that media reflects and perpetuates our insularity and ignorance. If we're gonna change, media has to take the first steps. yes, it's that important.

Side: not as much as the media
3 points

OK this seems to have gone off topic a lot, the motion is about religion not the media.

Religion does have to much influence in society today and it always will as long as it exists in an state worth calling religion.

My reasoning on this is simple, religion is a world view based on faith(everything that follows is connected to that definition).

religion can have stories or ideas beyond that but at its core every religion must be based on faith.

Now faith is belief without evidence(if any Christians would like to dispute that i draw your attention to Hebrews 11:1).

The up shot of this is a tacit acceptance that people can believe silly or even dangerous things and not be told they are wrong, because that would disrespect faith.

This is the true and most dangerous power of religion, that it lets the kinds of people who would do evil do it so much easier.

Evidence for this is there for all to see, when people tell their children growing up that if such a god wills something it is right and must be done we can not be surprised when some of those children kill themselves and others, because another person told them it was god's will!

Side: Religion is based on faith Faith Bad
MKIced(2511) Disputed
2 points

The only "religion" I can sense you're referring to is radical Islam. We all know about them. But they're basically brainwashed into thinking they'll get 77(check the number?) virgins in the afterlife. Do you have any other examples? Mainstream religion doesn't tend to manipulate the minds of its followers.

Side: not as much as the media
Warlin(1213) Disputed
2 points

Ugh, don't act like Islam is the only religion to have it's bad sides. I honestly don't know why people just act like Christianity didn't have a bloody past. The English and the Spanish forced Native Americans to believe in their respective sects of Christianity. At gun point. With guns. And other things. We also forced African slaves to worship as Christians. Don't forget the points I already went over, the inquisition, the crusades, and of course, the witch trials.

Side: not as much as the media
Psyker(4) Disputed
2 points

Ok, militant Islam is not the only religion to do this, at least they have the courtesy to kill you most of the time.

Far more insidious is what the Christians do, billions of children are taut to hate themselves and others for reasons that are, as far as i can reason, total rubbish.

They are taut that it is ok see others as less than themselves, be they gay, or of other religions, or no religion, or other race. It doesn't matter that those things are or aren't technically in the original dogma (as it happens most of the above are supported by the bible).

The point is it can be shoved down children's throats under the cover of god, this is something that always happens in religion because there is no true north like in science, someone with influence has a pet peeve and 2000 years later 6 million innocent people get murdered.

Side: Religion is based on faith Faith Bad
1 point

Not as much as it used to. See, I say this because back in the middle ages if one admitted they didn't believe in a god, they would be executed. Sometimes on spot. There was also the crusades, the inquisition and several other events that exercised the power of the church. Not to mention the witch trials. People today are more rational and don't let old religious practices get in the way of modern society. Well, as much.

As for the whole thing with Muslims, one might forget that the majority of Muslims aren't trying to blow everything up. They actually hate the terrorists for giving them a bad name.

Side: Not as much as it used to

A lot of people would say yes to this question, but if you are thinking that, then look back at the Middle Ages. The Catholic Church ruled all the land! God was everything, everybody prayed to God, the Church even overruled royalty on some occasions. Religion does not have nearly as much power as it did in the Middle Ages, or any other time period prior to this one, for that matter.

Side: Not as much as it used to
Psyker(4) Disputed
1 point

Sorry, this seems to be like saying that because polio affects less people today than it did a hundred years ago that it isn't a problem anymore.

Have i misunderstood your point?

Side: Religion is based on faith Faith Bad
1 point

in America if you are atheist and openly admit it you will not get far in any politics. most homophobia today is based on Cristian views, and the whole "fags will go to hell" thing is very unfair on the gay community. also a big percentage of the world is atheist and it is unfair for christian values to be imposed on them.

Side: Not as much as it used to

Some religions do, some don't. I think Islam and Mormonism, or LDS, do. Both of them contrlol their followers too much. And both are taught not to question or doubt their faith. If one does not question, one is part of a slave mentality and has no freedom.

Side: Not as much as it used to

Religion still has too much power in society today because people still have to swear on a Bible and Churches are tax exempt.

Side: Not as much as it used to