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 DRUGS (1)

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Drugs or murder? which is the worse crime?

drugs : including all range of what a drug owner can do, like selling it, using it and distributing it.

murder: no need for any explanation.


Side Score: 1


Side Score: 3
Winning Side!
1 point

It depends on how you choose to define WORSE-

From an emotional perspective murder is worse because it creates the absence of a loved one

From an economical perspective drugs are worse for a lot of reasons- they are not taxable instead they cost the economy in terms of increased insurance claims from people who get their property stolen by drug addicts to pay for the drugs and then there is all of the unnessary excess from extra lawyers judges police people needed to prosecute the crimes caused by illegal drug usage. Which in turn raises the amount of tax dollars people have to pay henceforth worsening the economy.

2 points

I think this is mainly due to the fact that I don't believe that drugs should be illegal. This would encompass dealing, using, etc. If people want to smoke pot, snort a few lines, or chase the dragon, let them. If they choose to "dice with death", so to speak, then I don't see why they should be punished. The risk of serious harm is punishment enough. I don't know how much money we would save if drugs were legalised, I'd imagine a heck of a lot. The prisons would be free of harmless potheads and full of people who pose a genuine threat to society. Maybe usage would go down? Prohibition tends to increase usage of a substance, so legalising it would take that thrill away. But I digress.

Moving on to murder, it's pretty awful in most cases. Murderers are the people that bring the most misery and threat to society, thus murder is a worse crime. It's rare that there is a genuine justification, even so, they're hard to buy. I don't think there really is much more to say about murder.

I'll answer your question with a question. If you were walking down a dark alley, who would you be most scared of: a junkie or a murderer?

Side: Murder
1 point

Definatly Murder. With drugs you killing yourself and you are willingly taking things that you know will destroy your body. How is that worse than someone else taking your life away from you against your will.